~Chapter Fifty Four~

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The girl looked to the hook where the chains were being held and reached to unbuckle it.

"Wait," Called one of the men behind her, unsure of her plan.

The chains rattled against the floor, falling loudly and echoing against the walls.


(Name) looked briefly below before turning around and facing the originals in front of her.


They tried to reach out for her but her resolve was no going back.


That's all it is, a leap of faith.


Time felt still as (Name) free fell to the bottom, her eyelids fluttered shut with a keen smile on her lips as her hair was caressed by the wind sustaining her. She didn't even hesitate to fall, never second-guessing whether or not someone would catch her.


"This is the last time I do this for you ragazza."

She didn't even need to open her eyes to know who it was, her arms naturally find their way around his neck. Warm skin against skin contact, as she felt the hairs on the back of his neck. His all-too-familiar scent overstimulating all of her other senses. Opening her eyes she was met with the most pleasant sight, her (e/c) orbs meant with those of magenta. Luciano desperately tried to display annoyance yet there was no hiding the complicit smirk on his face. Chuckling at his words she drew close, close enough to plop a soft kiss on his nose.

"It's good to see you too Luci." She said sweetly, chuckling lightly. (Name) didn't let go immediately, and neither did he. They just kind of stood there, inching closer to one another. Until (Name) noticed the obvious invasion of space he was invading and quickly looked away from his luscious gaze.

"MATT!" She yelped, squirming out of Luciano's grip. She rushed over to the gruff individual embracing him from the side.

"I thought you died you jerk!" Despite his demeanor displaying displeasure on the outside, he couldn't deny that something was beating inside him.

"What no hug for daddy Allen?" The obnoxiously-arrogant-yet-somehow-sweet of a man said.

(Name) rolled her eyes but couldn't help but giggle from his nonsensical words. She hated to admit that she missed him and his stupid words with that accent she could melt in.

"Only if he doesn't call himself daddy." She laughed out, arms embracing towards him.

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