~ Chapter Forty-Six ~

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 ~ Previously ~

"Well, its beautiful Ollie." (Name) couldn't help but smile, regardless of her raging emotions Oliver always found a way to make her happy.

(Name) glanced up to the sky, the sun was once again beaming into her skin. It was morning, which meant she hadn't slept all night, how was she alive right now without coffee?

"It's morning." She said blandly.

"It is."

"I haven't slept all night." The creeping realization drew in as the tiredness began to consume her.

"Nope," Oliver replied, giddily attending a tulip.

"Oh wait! You humans need sleep don't you?!" Oliver stood up immediately, dirt cascading down his khaki pants. The strawberry blonde dropped his gardening tools in hand and stood shocked.

"You should go back inside and sleep, darling." He said, worried she might faint then and there.

Giggling at his concern (Name) quickly reassured him, "It'll be fine Ollie I've pulled all-nighters before."

"Are you sure?" His genuine concern lightened (Name)'s heart, Oliver was such a gentle soul.

With a smile, she muttered, "I'm sure."

Oliver grinned, but not a Cheshire grin, a soft hopefully grin laced his lips.

"But, what about you?" She pondered, raising a questionable brow.

With certainty, Oliver replied, "Oh well, we don't sleep love."

Confused (Name) turns to him. "You don't? But I've seen Al and Matt sleep." She purposely left out Luci, she didn't want him to get pissy about it later.

"Well that's just superficial, granted our bodies are similar to batteries and I can't remember the last time those two ever slept so that was probably the first time in years."

"Y-YEARS?" She gasped.

He nodded, counting the time with his fingers. "Three to be exact."


She couldn't imagine the amount of tiredness one could have from the lack of sleep in that amount of time. It was unbelievable!

Although it was surprising to hear the fact that they'd actually felt safe enough (or extremely drained) around her made her feel special in a way. They were comfortable enough to let their guard down. Either that or they really underestimated her.

Suddenly (Name) got an epiphany. "Maybe that's why Matt is always so cranky!" She said in awe, placing a fist in her palm. But quickly she shook her head at the idea. "No, I'm pretty sure that's just Matt."

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