~Chapter Thirty Seven ~ SPECIAL EDITION~

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The girl's long (h/c) lashes flutter open with her eyes, the soft feeling of a bed underneath her. She shifted her position and lied on her back, expecting the warmth of the sun to enter into her skin. However, she grew puzzled at the fact the sun wasn't there. Neither was the window, only a blank white ceiling.

Wait. If the window isn't there, then I'm not on the couch.


(Name) began to panic as she looked down and couldn't identify the bed she was in. Just as terror entered her veins the creek of a door a few feet in front of her sounded, revealing someone she was relieved to see.

That person was---

"Author wtf?"

"I got you didn't I?" Author-san winked and plopped herself on the edge of the bed. With a furious look on her face (Name) crossed her arms angrily. "What the hell Author, what are you doing here? I thought this was a new chapter?!" Chuckling Author shrugged her shoulders, "Dude it's not done yet, plus it's April Fools I had to do something."

Squinting with anger (Name) replied, "You couldn't have just given me an extra long chapter?"

Author-san rolled her eyes and shrugged again. "I mean, I could have but I've been doing other stuff too. The world doesn't revolve around you ya know." Taken aback, (Name) felt hurt by Author's words. Author-san just chuckled again, "Nah I'm just kidding, literally my whole life revolves around you and these dorks. No worries dude."

Sticking her tongue out she sent (Name) a wink, "Did you know it's actually been a whole year since writing this story?"

Scooting closer to the other girl, (Name) shook her head. "Yup, it's been a full year since writing about you and those dorks we both love. It's hard to believe honestly, feels like just yesterday you were opening those boxes." The Author turned and looked lovingly into (Name)'s eyes. "I'm really proud of you ya know. Coming this far, making it all this way." Then the brown haired stranger jumped up and off of the bed, placing her hands on her hips. "But this isn't about being all sappy I just really wanted to prank you lol." With another wink Author walked towards the door, stopping for only a second and turning back to say, "Sorry for pranking you the next chapter will be up soon, love ya!" And so the Author left the room, leaving a confused (Name) left in the dust.

You just got p-p-p-pranked bro! Lol I'm sure you guys knew it was prank though right? XD Sorry guys, chap will be up soon!! Also happy one year anniversary to New Units guys!!! Thanks for staying with me and supporting me, I love each and every single one of you and I give you all a virtual hug! *virtual hug* Okay I've got to be on my way now, baiiii!!! ;3

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