~Chapter Two~

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I hum along a sweet tune, swaying my hips to the melody. Everything seems fine, until I feel eyes scan over my body, there was someone behind me. Surprised, my instincts (ten years of Choi Kwang Do finally worth it) go into action and I lift my frying pan (making the pancake fall to the floor, nooooo ) to swing it at the possible danger.
The stranger sensed my attack and dodged my burning pan, I flung my pan back at me and held it like a bat getting ready to defend myself, however what came next was quite unexpected.

"Woah woah woah, calm yourself there doll."

My eyes widened and my mouth flew open, shock hitting me like a truck.

"Oh my God"


Words can't describe my emotions right now, it's like words are lodged in my throat but don't want come out.

Maroon locks adorned with shades, auburn orbs, dark bomber jacket, and a smirk present.

Yup, it's totally him.

My brain tries to slowly process everything but so far I have no reasonable explanation.

"A-are you?-" I question, my shock still present in my (e/c) orbs. I'm confused as hell right now.

"Look what you did dipshit!" Still shocked with the present situation I accidently let out a squeak when I heard the other brother speak.

"Don't scare her off Matt."

Dirty blonde locks put into a small ponytail, bandages topped with a flannel, and shades covering deep violet eyes.

I think I might faint.

"Shut up Al." His gruff voice snapped back, his full attention on the fallen pancake.

I hold my frying pan close while my eyes dart back and forth between the two siblings. "I-I, UH-" I begin stuttering, and a blush creeps up my cheeks.

"Give me that." 'Matt' says holding out his hand.

Does he expect me to give him my only weapon against them? Nuh uh, not happening bro.

"I don't follow?" I say tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"The pan, give me the pan." He says once more, a bit more force in his tone.

I hold the pan closer to my body and shake my head in disapproval, "Yeah, I don't think so dude." He rolls his eyes at me and grunts slightly. We lock eyes and he begins to step closer, of course I do the reasonable thing and step back, but my back was met by something other than air.

I gasp quietly and swing my trusty pan at the American intruder but my pan was caught in mid-air and I stop my tracks altogether. 'Matt' held the rim of the pan while I held the handle, we glared each other down until I felt arms snake around my waist. I, of course, let go of the pan in surprise and elbow 'Al' in the gut. He groans and let go of me, clinging on to his stomach and falling back, I take this chance to run out of the kitchen and go to the living room going towards my keys (they have a small bottle of pepper spray on the keychain). I parkour over my couch and rush to the small basket of keys.

Grabbing ahold of my pepper spray, I look back towards the strangers in my home. I shouldn't have turned my back to them, cause now 'Al', had a weapon.

Great, now I'm screwed.

Bloodied, nail filled, baseball bat VS my tiny little can of pepper spray

Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna win

I stop in place, take a deep breath, and get in a ready stance, however I notice something in the corner of my eye.

The boxes, they're, they're broken?

'Al' steps closer and I move to the left, getting closer to the now-broken boxes. I look to the side, finally seeing the small manual I didn't grab before, and suddenly it dawned on me.

"WAIT!" I scream, putting my hand in front of me in a 'stop' manner. On the box, the label read "2P ALFRED F. JONES/2P AMERICA".

Allen stops in his tracks and stares at me incredibly impatient. "What! What is it?!"

I walk toward the box and rip the papers off it, open the manual, scanning over the words.

'CONGRATULATIONS! You have just received a 2P ALFRED F. JONES unit. This unit is rather harsh, wild, and difficult to handle. This manual is to decrease that difficulty as much as possible. Therefore, we hope you can read for your own safety as well as others.'

Oh great.

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