~Chapter Fifteen~

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They apparently did not like the idea of Luciano hitting on me.

Thankfully, Luciano let go of me. Making it easier for Allen to drag me back without choking me.

I heard a chuckle escape the Italian's lips, followed by "Oh this is going to be fun" and a malicious grin.

My life will never return back to normal, will it?


An awkward silence filled the room as glares were thrown back and forth between the three. Noticing my open chance to grab the stolen manual, I did so and ran out of the American's grasp. Reading the manual quickly I think I have enough information on how to not get myself killed.

I decided that introducing myself would be a good first step. "So, Luciano, my name is (Name) it's very nice to meet you." With that I put my hand out for him to shake. He kept a heart wrenching smirk on his face but shook my hand nonetheless. I smiled sheepishly at the person in front of me, wondering what the hell I was going to do now.

"So, like, uh." I scratched the back of head, hoping my mind would supply a topic for speech.

"What the hell are you doing here bastard." Piped up Allen from behind me.

"Hey, play nice!" I said with a tempered voice.

Al growled lowly at my response and crossed his arms like a child being scorned.

Chuckling, his magenta eyes flickered with mischievousness. "Some of us got worried."

I honestly don't know what's going on yet I have a fishy feeling about this.

"Bullshit." Said Matt, his eyes finally showing signs of life.

I glare at him because of his language but don't want to get in between this fight. If there's anything I've learned with Matt it's that you should never get him mad and you should never get in between him and his pancakes.
"Oh c'mon. Oliver was really concerned about you two." He scoffed.

"Plus, we just had to know what kind of ragazza would keep you two for so long." Luciano tried walking my way again but Matt quickly pulled me back.

"Back off Vargas." Growled Matt. I could feel the vibrations off of his chest so it almost felt like he was purring. It was quite calming to be honest, but it didn't change the fact that I was pulled into his chest while he had an arms wrapped around me and a hand on my left hip.

I blushed at the thought that these two are trying to keep me away from the smooth Italian.

My heart is beating rapidly and my blood runs warm, however my emotions are cut short when I hear my phone alarm go off.

"SHIT IM GOING TO BE LATE!" I scream. To Luciano's surprise he looks at me with wide eyes.

Ha, I bet he's thinking, "This one's just as crazy as those two."

Matt let go of me immediately realizing the stressful situation at hand. He sat down on the couch across from his brother, rolling in a wad of blanket and snuggling into it.

I quickly took notice of his adorable form but rushed out of the room quickly to get ready. Halfway through the hallway I ran back to the living room to say a few quick words. "DON'T FIGHT OKAY?! I CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY ANY NEW STUFF." With that I ran back to my room, remembering to lock the door, and did the usual routine.

~~~The boys~~~

The three men glanced back and forth between themselves. Questions lurking in their heads but none of them spoke up, until a certain American of course broke the silence.

"But seriously, what are you doing here shithead?" He said glaring at the Italian with a cold stare.

The Italian chuckled at the American's troubled thoughts. Luciano walked around the room, inspecting everything in the young girl's house. "I just wanted to check this new owner of yours." He picked up a photo placed on a small table next to the door. The photo consisted of a young girl and her family. "She seems, interesting."

"I don't like the sound of that Vargas." Said an annoyed Matt.

"Yeah, back off." Added Al.

Something clicked in the Italian's mind and he realized something. "You two have grown a liking to her, haven't you?"

The two stiffened at his statement, the realization hitting them.

Matt looked off to the side, deep thoughts engulfing him. "..So?"

Luciano put the picture back down, tracing the girls face with his finger. "She's probably just like the rest, I wouldn't get your hopes up so high if I were you."


After I got ready and went back to the living room everything seemed peaceful, nothing was broken but everyone was silent. Eerily silent. I eyed everyone in the room, the three were sitting on the couches. The two brothers sitting as far away from each other as possible, and the cocky Italian sat across from them, arms crossed and legs as well.
Not knowing what to say I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of (favorite cereal).

Having a spoon full of cereal in my mouth is when it hit me.


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