~Chapter One~

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"NO!" I scream towards my computer screen, tears spilling out of my eyes like waterfalls. "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE!" Currently, I'm an emotional wreck because of this show. At first it's all happy and fun 'n games, but once they hit the serious topics, such as 'Joan of Arc', I'm a balling mess. I grab another tissue from the box next to me. Blowing into it, I crumple it up and add it to the mountain in the trash can on the floor. As the episode finishes I sniffle one last time and pause the show before the ending song can play. Clicking onto the next episode, an ad pops up blocking the way of the episode. I continually try to push onto the x button but with no avail, I give up trying to x out and decide to exit of the page completely. However the moment I scroll my mouse to the bright x, some words catch my eye.


I begin to read the ad and my mouth swings wide open when I read what it has to offer.

"Hetalia Units?!" I click on the ad unknowing of what it'll do.

As it lead to the main page I shift the laptop to lay on my lap and grab one of the sheets on the bed to cover my back. Cuddling up into my warm comforter I begin to read, "HETALIA UNITS ON SALE RIGHT NOW! ACT RIGHT NOW AND GET FREE SHIPPING!" said the huge letters on the front page. I scroll down the page to find more information about these "Units". It said they were some sort of life like versions of the characters from the show.
"HELL YEAH I WANT ONE!" I yelled, fist pumping into the air. I'm guessing they're just some sort of body pillows, or maybe even a cardboard cutout. However, by the way they describe them, it seems they're very lifelike. I look at the variety of countries and they're prices, they seem pretty affordable, if affordable is pretty much some of my college tuition.

Meh, I can just take extra shifts.

I look at a section where they come in pairs and one particular pair grab my eye.

"The North American bros? OH HECK YEAH!"

However as I'm going over the set, there seems to be two different ones. Unknowing the difference I click on the cheaper one. When putting my information in, there seemed to be something fishy about the last page.

"We are not responsible for any injury (emotional, physical, ect.), or possible death you would sustain when caring for these "Hetaloids", if you agree with these terms, click on 'Agree'"

My brows rise questionably, but the excitement running through my veins puts aside all morals. I hit agree and it says my shipment will arrive in about 5 to 7 work days. "Well, this week's gonna be the longest of my life."


Days pass by, and it still hadn't arrived. I was almost at the point of wanting to call the company however there was no need, for they arrived quite early on a Saturday morning.

Light knocking could be heard on my small apartment door, the echoing sound waking me up from my peaceful slumber. Laziness and sleepiness took over my body and it was nearly impossible for me to get up from my bed. If it weren't for me thinking that they would leave (then I'd have to drive all the way to the company building) I would've stayed in bed. I jolt myself awake and run out of my bedroom, hoping to catch the mailman before he left.
"WAIT!" I yell, ripping my apartment door open.

The man jumps in place at my action and quickly turns around to be met with me in my red pajama shorts, oversized grey t-shirt, and sleep deprived eyes. He walks back to my door and brings out the sign-y-thing-y.
"Um, are you (Name)?" He asks.

I nod and he hands me a small machine, "then please sign here." I sign quickly and he goes back to the truck to search for my package. When he came back out, I did not expect him to haul a huge ass box into my home.

"Are you sure this it?" I question him, my face full of shock. I really thought that they would just be a small package or something, I mean I did only pay like $550. I guess my money was worth it then?

"Well, there's one more." He replies leaving my living room and going back to the truck for the other one. "WHAT!?" I whisper-scream. I run towards the first box and check the label,


"Well the label's correct..." I mutter to myself.

The mailman brings the other box and gives a small wave then leaves, leaving me with two huge(and I mean HUGE, considering I am (height)) boxes in my living room. The boxes stood AT LEAST 7 feet tall, they stood right in front of my small coffee table.

I sigh and plop myself on my couch just looking at them, then my eyes spot something on the side of one.
I stand back up to grab the papers enclosed in plastic, but before I could rip it off, my stomach interfered. Making noises, my stomach began to grumble, calling out for food. I sigh again and instead of grabbing the possible manual I head into the kitchen.

I throw the refrigerator's door open and ponder unto what I could eat, my eyes lay on the small box of pancake mix on the side. Growling once more, my stomach suddenly yearned for pancakes. I smile slightly then pick out the box and other ingredients to make the perfect pancakes.

I grab the bag of chocolate chips but hesitate to put them into the pancakes. I shrug and decide not to put any in the mix, then pour the normal batter onto the frying pan. Once I see the correct amount of batter on the pan I stop pouring and move on to making some eggs. I move back to the fridge grabbing the eggs from inside then my stomach rumbled.

"Okay, okay I got it." I say, looking downwards as if speaking to my stomach.

I hum along a sweet tune, swaying my hips to the melody. Everything seems fine, until I feel eyes scan over my body, there was someone behind me. Surprised, my instincts (ten years of Choi Kwang Do finally worth it) go into action and I lift my frying pan (making the pancake fall to the floor, nooooo ) to swing it at the possible danger.
The stranger sensed my attack and dodged my burning pan, I flung my pan back at me and held like a bat getting ready to defend myself, however what came next was quite unexpected.

"Woah woah woah, calm yourself there doll."

My eyes widened and my mouth flew open, shock hitting me like a truck.

"Oh my God"

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