~Chapter Forty-Eight ~

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~ Previously ~

Knock Knock Knock

The three all jolted at the sound, heads fixated on the door from afar.

Someone was at the front door.


I stood up quickly, glancing towards the two looking just as shocked as I was.

Could it be the cops again? I wondered, biting at the skin of my nails out of a nervous tic.

Swatting my hand away from my mouth, Flavio glared at me. "That's a terrible habit."

Throwing my hands up exasperatedly, I pointed to the door.

"Yeah, and what're we supposed to do with that??"

Straightening up and putting on an attitude Flavio said, "I'll deal with it." He strutted to the door, full of confidence.

At a distance, I could see the shadowed figure. The glass doors were tinted both ways, to which I shook my head in disbelief as I thought one of the idiots probably made that mistake(you're only supposed to tint one side). I glanced towards Luciano who was looking annoyed, per usual, but slightly concerned towards his brother. As I stared at his befuddled expression a ping of guilt ran within me. It dawned on me that I've made promises I can't keep, that my word meant nothing now and that I'll eventually break all their hearts. God, I was in deep, deep, deep, deep snow now.

Flavio unlocked the door, slowly creaking its hinges to release the smallest peak of sunlight.


The figure placed their hands on their hips and suddenly that figure began to seem all too familiar to me.

"May I speak with your supervisor?" they spoke in the most, mom-asking-for-the-manager way. Which made me think...

Oh shit

"Mom?!" I gasped out, rushing towards the door.

There stood my disheveled mother, bags underneath her eyes, fuzzy unkept hair, and crumpled expensive handbag in tow.

"What're you doing here?!" I slightly yelled at her, crossing my arms over my chest.

Resolution sparked in her cold eyes, seeing me she lit up but quickly dimmed down as well. "I could ask you the same thing (Name), now let's get out of here." My mother latched on to my arm, pulling me her way. Halfway outside I planted my heels and leaned back, pulling her instead.

"No way!" I said defiantly. "I'm not going anywhere."

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