~Chapter Sixteen~

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After I got ready and went back to the living room everything seemed peaceful, nothing was broken but everyone was silent. Eerily silent. I eyed everyone in the room, the three were sitting on the couches. The two brothers sitting as far away from each other as possible, and the cocky Italian sat across from them, arms crossed and legs as well.
Not knowing what to say I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of (favorite cereal).

Having a spoon full of cereal in my mouth is when it hit me.



I guess I can take Luciano to work...

Hopefully he won't kill anyone heh.

Finishing my bowl of cereal I dusted off my uniform, got up, and grabbed my bag. I rushed to Matt first, his eyes slowly dozing off while his frame was wrapped up in a comfy blanket. I kissed his nose softly, a smile grazed my lips as I left his sleeping form. I walked to Allen next, he smirked while I kissed his cheek playfully. I felt Luciano's gaze watching me while I walked around but payed no mind to it.

"Please don't burn the apartment down while I'm gone?" I said with a chuckle. Waving him goodbye I walked to the door quietly. "Okay, Luciano you're coming with me." I say while motioning towards the door. Al looked at me questionably, as if asking "You sure you want to do that?" I nodded, grinned, and mouthed "I'll be fine."

Luciano looked at our exchange and began walking towards the door. "Any day now lazy butt." He glared at me and quickened his pace. Halfway out the door I screamed "BYE I LOVE YOU!" And rushed to my car.

Opening it up, I started the engine and waited for it to heat up. Luci got in next to me and fidgeted nervously in my car. Flipping through the radio stations I noticed Luciano's gaze at me the whole time. "Are you just going to stare at me and not say anything?" I questioned, finding a station that I liked. "Maybe." He replied changing his gaze from me to the outside world. 

"Alrighty then."

Arriving to work didn't take that long, considering there was no traffic but when we arrived is when the questions started. "You're a waitress?" He asked just when we pulled up at the diner. "Yeah." He gave me a weird look so naturally I questioned him about it. "So?" "Oh nothing, it's just interesting." My eyes shifted low. "You keep saying that." "Keep saying what?" "Interesting." He shrugged and smiled innocently. "I don't know what you mean."

Walking into the diner smiling sheepishly I placed Luciano at a far table, hoping no one would question him.

"Who'd you bring this week (Name)?" Jessica questioned, taking off her apron, it seemed her shift was up.

"U-Uh." I looked towards Luci, he was still staring at me. "A-Another cousin." She didn't seem to buy my excuse so I added a bit to it. "He's my mom's sister's boyfriend's kid." Still not buying it. "He's from Italy." At that she seemed to begin to believe me.

"We're having a family reunion soon but he got the date wrong so he's here early and, well, family is family so I have to house him until it's over."

Man I'm good at this.

"Oh, okay." After my crappy explanation she actually believed me.

Customers walk in and I immediately try to escape the conversation. "Well it looks like I have to work so byeee." I left before she could even get out another word.

Hours pass and Luciano just sits there, staring like a creep. I tried to offer him some coffee but he politely declined. I asked him if he could stop staring at me like some stalker but he continued to do so anyways. Many people asked me about him, things like "Why does he have a military uniform on?" "Why is his hair a weird color, oh but youngsters these days are coloring their hair tons of different colors." "What's with the hat?" "His eyes are weird." "He's fucking hot." –Wait that last one wasn't right.-Well its right but that's not what I meant.

"Excuse me?" I say my mind blanking out by this girls comment. "He's really fucking hot." She repeated herself. I glared at her a bit, feeling a bit defensive.

What? It's an instinct.

"Yeah he is." I said while glancing towards him.

"Is he taken?" My eye twitches and the words just fly out of my mouth.

"Yeah he's mine." After I said it I immediately began to regret it.

"Oh I'm sorry!" The girl flailed with apologies and for some reason I didn't take back what I said.

"Its fine, it's fine! You're not wrong." "Wrong about what?" I swear to you he was sitting down the last time I saw him, but somehow, magically, he teleported next to me just in time to hear my conversation.

I squeaked in fear of course, almost spilling my whole pot of coffee in the process of turning around.

"Uh nothing why don't you just go back to where-" "How long have you been dating?" Queue the blush and the muttering.

"U-uh" "Dating?" At this point Luciano looks at me with a raised eyebrow but quickly catches onto my lie. In understanding my lie he snakes an arm around my waist and plastered a smirk on his face.

"Yes, dating."

I hate you.  

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