~Chapter Twenty Three~

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I woke up to a certain scene, something I'd never seen, nor thought, would happen. My door was wide open, meaning the other people living in my home had entered my room. I expected someone maybe spooning me or maybe to be on the floor with my bed taken but not this, never this.

On the floor was Allen crunched up into a ball, trying to find warmth from the cold carpet floor. Snoring softly on the side of my bed, almost falling off was Matt. And of course the blanket stealer that happened to wake me up was none other than Luci.

I stood up in my bed, wishing I could reach my phone on the right so I could take a photo to remember this by. But unfortunately the blanket stealer was in the way so I couldn't.

I decided I would just document it in my mind. The picture in my head will be there forever, just for me, and only me.


A gentle smile grazes my lips as I see their sleeping faces, they were probably really tired from the other day too.

Saturday, ah finally.

I could finally take a break from my schedule, my busy, busy, schedule. I wiggled out of my room, avoiding everyone in the process, and walked to the bathroom. I combed out my messy hair and brushed my teeth, opening the cabinet I noticed some essentials were missing. "Oh no." I muttered to myself. I had just finished the cycle, but I forgot to restock with the essentials. "Well I guess my free day isn't so free." I said with a sigh.


The girl sat in the living room, waiting for everyone else to wake up slowly. After everyone woke up (and got coffee) she went back to her room to get dressed for the day. Picking out one of her favorite outfits which consisted of (favorite top), (favorite pair of jeans), all topped off with (favorite pair of shoes). She looked in her mirror, feeling confident with her look.

Leaving her room she walked back to the living room, very ready to leave. "Psst guys I've got to go shopping real quickly so I'm just gonna go."

Matt looked up at from the table with sleepy eyes. "Eh?" "Leaving, now." She repeated. He put his head down on the table sleepily, "Okay."

"I'll go with you." Said Luci getting up with his finished cup of coffee. Allen immediately sprung up from the couch when he heard what Luciano had said, joining in the conversation with, "I don't trust you with him so I'll go." To which Matt sighed loudly and replied, "I don't trust either of them with you so it seems I'm going as well."

(Name) chuckled softly as she heard their reasons for wanting to go with her, a small blush adorning her cheeks as well. "You guys." She scoffed. "I can just go alone."

"I haven't been out of a factory for more than a year, I want to go out." Luciano reasoned.
"If he's going with you, I am too." Allen replied.
"Same here." Matt mumbled.

She sighed and gave in to their request, sitting down and waiting for each of them to get ready.
After some time, they were all ready to leave so they headed out to the car. Of course they had to rock paper scissors for the front seat which Luciano won in the end, making him king of radio selection. He scrolled through many stations throughout the fifteen minute drive, but eventually when one of (Name)'s favorite songs came on she yelled to stop, then proceeded to scream her lungs out to the song.

"Okay we're here!" She said while turning off the ignition of the car in the Walmart parking lot.
They walk in and are quickly greeted by rude and curious stares, mostly by old women in their 50's, mumbling things like "Kids these days."

(Name) (Of course) takes the lead and walks to the "library" section of the store then stops.
"Okay, so you guys can go scatter and we'll meet back here in twenty minutes."

"Why?" Luciano questioned. "Yeah, why can't we just follow you around? Hiding something (Name)?" Allen wondered. Being nosy as usual.

"Because. It's personal business you creep." She said while punching the side of Allen's arm, not so playfully. He chuckled and surrendered to her demand. "Okay okay." Matt nodded and just walked away. "No hitting on anyone, or hitting anyone." She said to the two who she knew would do both of those things. They obliged, sarcastically of course, then walked away as well.

Matt slowly scrolled through the books, ignoring the other people in the section probably whispering things about him. Squinting he saw something out of place that had his name on it. He almost had a heart attack when he read the title of the book, "Send Donald Trump to Canada!" He then proceeded to take the book and put it behind an outdoors catalog.

Allen scrolled through the many films that were in the movie section, his eyes falling on a certain horror film. "Cloverfield..." He mumbled as he picked up the movie case and read the back of it. Intrigued by the plot he decided he would try to get (Name) to buy it.

Luciano didn't really know where to go in the huge building, yet somehow, miraculously, he found himself in the candle section. Smelling different candles, he was deciding which scent was the most familiar to him.

(Name) went on with her business, finding her necessities and putting them into a shopping basket. She quickly bought the items and hid them in her bag so no one would see, then started to walk back to the meeting spot.
Halfway there (Name) had an encounter with some young idiotic men, one of them openly hitting on her.

"Hey there beautiful." The one that seemed the leader said with a stupid, smug, smile on his face. He stood right in front of her, blocking her way.

(Name), of course, being the nice sweetheart she was politely said hello and kept walking away. But of course, men never learn it the easy way, so the young man stood in front of her and interrupted her again. "How 'bout you tell me your name babe?"

At this point (Name) was getting a bit frustrated, "No, now please excuse me."

"No?" He placed a hand on her should to which she quickly swatted his hand away.

"Touch me again and I will defend myself." She said with a deadly serious tone. The three men took to it as if her demeanor was a joke, but she wasn't kidding.

"Oh c'mon-." He went to touch her shoulder again, and well, she warned him. She kneed him straight where the sun don't shine, making him topple down to the ground in agony. "TRY ME AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER AND I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" (Name) shouted, straight in his face full of anger and rage, earning glances from people around.
The girl heard chuckling behind her and in all of her rage she turns around to confront this person. "FIGHT- me." She stopped mid-sentence, seeing as it was none other than-



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