~Chapter Twenty Two~

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I walked out of the room swiftly, I could go upstairs and try to jump out of the window Lorelai Gilmore style or I could make a run for the front door.

Uhhhh I can decide... Make a run for the door or jump out a window without another word?


I don't want to spend another minute with these people, if I try to make a run for the door I'll probably run into them so I'll go to for the window.

Carefully opening the door from the empty room I was in, I snuck into the hallway and made my way to the stairs of the house. I tiptoed up the steps silently, hoping I wouldn't slip on the marble. I passed the many family portraits, silently praying that the pictures would burn into flames.

Finding my way to my empty room I decided I would first write a letter before jumping out the window. I had bought a rope ladder years before and hid it under the chest next to the window, it was for emergencies, just like this. Looking for a piece of paper and a pen on my dusty forgotten desk, I quickly wrote a letter to explain my absence.

Hey! I left okay? I decided I wasn't going to stay and listen to all of you ramble on about obscure things I really don't care about. So I'm leaving. I won't stay and act all happy go lucky like you expect me to be, I'm sorry. I love you, but you're suffocating me. I'll see you when I see you okay?
Love, Your rebellious daughter, (Name)

P.S I really don't like Jonathan, so can you stop setting me up with him?

"Sounds good." I said while placing down the letter and leaving it on the desk.

I took off my heels just in case and proceeded with the plan. Opening the window to my room I tied the ladder to the bed and hoped for the best.

"WOO HOO!" I whispered while jumping out of the window like a badass, imagining an explosion coming from the house. My feet landed on the ground I could smell the freedom from where I stood, practically running barefoot I rushed to the front yard. Putting my shoes back on, I assessed the situation.

My room was in the back of the house so I would have to jump over the fence to get to the front yard, but luckily for me I had a spare key for the lock of the fence door hidden under a turtle statue. Opening up the lock I could hear laughter from the living room, I flinched then cringed as I heard them speaking about Jonathan's sister's wedding. I couldn't care less whether she had koala's or beluga whales at the reception, but of course they do.
Scurrying to the front lawn I hoped that the sprinklers wouldn't go off, but apparently God hates me today cause guess what?

"SHIT!" I squealed as the sprinklers went off. Running now, my heel got stuck in the wet grass.

"FUCK!" Taking it out and trying to get the least wet as possible I ran to my car.

"(Name)?" I heard from within the house, a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as the quick realization of being caught rushed through my mind.

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