~Chapter Twenty Five~

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A silence embedded the room after that. They just sort of sat there and exchanged looks. Eyes darting from one to the other. All of them were unsure of what to do. And before they knew it, it was 10:30. They literally spent an hour sitting down at a table and staring at each other. Wow.



They arrived a bit late to the party. People flooding the house already. Jessica owned a house with three other girls, Becky being one of them. They all agreed on house parties except Becky, so she always kept her room locked up. (Name) knew that cause she had been to one of Jessica's parties before, a long time ago, and spent most of her time discussing Sherlock and Doctor Who theories with Becky.

"Welp, we're here." She said with a distasteful look, standing outside and in front of the red roofed house. Tons of young people surrounded the house. Most of them with those red cups which she knew were filled with some sort of alcohol. Jessica peered from one of the windows and locked eyes with (Name), her eyes shining brightly when she saw the three standing next to her.

(Name) saw Jessica coming so she quickly convened with the three before they were attacked. "Okay so the story is that you two are taken and Luci is my cousin from out of town o-kay?" She said in one take. Despite the fact that she had used his horrendous nickname Luciano complied. "Ok." Matt nodded however Allen questioned the girl. "Wait, why am I taken?" He asked, genuine confused. "Cause I said so." The girl said with a pout and blush, hoping that she wouldn't get the wrong message across. "Oh okay." Allen replied with a grin, hoping to tease the girl afterwards.

"(Name)! You made it! And with guests I see!" Jessica said, her arms wide open in surprise. Jessica wore a crop top with "LOVE" inscribed on it with four different languages all of which (Name) could identify but was pretty sure Jessica couldn't. She also wore short shorts, that were a bit too short for (Name)'s taste.

Yet again, (Name) was the type of girl to prefer pants to a skirt. That didn't mean she didn't like wearing skirts, it's just that no girl want unwanted attention. Plus, she's in college, there is no use for looking good when in the end of the day you're still gonna go home with three lab assignments.

(Name) nodded in response to Jessica's comment. Knowing that she would have gotten (Name) to bring her hot guy friends, cause (Name) is (Name). You can always rely on her.

"Come inside! There's tons of people I want you to meet." And by "tons of people I want you to meet" (Name) was pretty sure Jessica wasn't talking to her.


After a solid thirty minutes of being at this horrid party I'm pretty sure I'm quite ready to throw myself off of a building. Teenagers can be so stupid sometimes, like who cares if he dumped you girl? Get off the bathroom floor and get a career. And dude drinking a whole keg of beer doesn't make you cool. It makes you a drunken asshole.

Despite my feelings, I was still more relaxed here than at home. For some reason it began to get stuffy in there, maybe I've been home for too long...

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