~Chapter Twenty Øne~

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  ~Car Ride~

"SO IM TAKING MY TIME ON MY RIDE!" I screamed as twenty øne piløts blasted through the speakers of my car. "I'VE BEEN THINKING TOO MUCH, I've been thinking too much, I'VE BEEN THINKING TOO MUCH, HELP ME!" I said, heeding no mind to the people around me giving me strange looks.

"I'VE BEEN THINKING TOO MUCH, I've been thinking too much, help me." The song ended the moment I drove into my parent's neighborhood, turning the radio off I spotted the house from a distance. Sighing, I pulled into the drive through and turned off the ignition.

"Okay (Name), don't say anything bad and don't start any fights." I told myself through the driver mirror.
I got out of the car walked to the door and got ready for a very long night ahead of me. Ringing the doorbell, the door flung open almost instantly, showing my mother's ecstatic face. "(Name) come in, come in!" She said while pulling me inside the house. "Woah okay." I walked in, and throughout the trip from the door to the living room my mother's huge grin wouldn't wipe off of her face. I was at the point of questioning her but we had already made it to the living room, giving off the answer of why she was so damn happy.

"Jonathan." My face instantly turned to a frown.

"Afternoon (Name)." Jonathan said with a smug grin. My mother put a hand on my shoulder sternly, as if saying "behave." I look back at her and glare, she set me up. "You didn't say he was going to be here, at our FAMILY dinner." I replied to my mother who was glaring right back at me. "Oh yes, but we've known Jonathan for years he's practically family." She said with a fake laugh. She took her grip off of me then sat down next to my father who was watching the situation unfold.

"Sit down (Name)." My father said giving me a stern look as well.

He speaks, I thought while looking down at one of the empty spots next to me sister. "Ella, Herald." I passed my salutations towards them then sat down. They merely replied with a simple "Hello." And I could sense the discomfort in my sister's face. She didn't know either. My father speaks up again but talks to my sister's husband, Herald, about some boring thing like politics or stocks (stuff I don't care about) so I decided that it was my time to zone out and block out everything around me, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I wonder what they're doing now....

"(Name)?" "(Name)?" "Huh?" I jolted out of my thoughts and looked up to my mother who was calling my name. "Jonathan is speaking to you dear." She said with that tone of hers.

"Oh sorry." I said bitterly.

"So how's that job of yours treating you (Name)?" He questioned, smirking.

"It's great actually." I reply with a light voice, a sudden change from my sarcasm.

"How are those boys of yours?"

He just had to ask.

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