~Chapter Ten~

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Walking back to the living room I heard soft snores coming from one of the couches, walking towards it I saw it was none other than-



The gruff Canadian slept peacefully and had the face of an angel. Soft snores were emitted from his lips whilst he slept and it was getting quite difficult not to squeal at his adorable face. I decided to get a blanket to cover him so I walked back to my room hurriedly, but quietly, grabbed a blanket from a shelf and hurried back only to see Al hovering over his brother.

My eyes grew wide at the realization of what he was doing. "Allen F Jones stop drawing on your brother's face this instant!" I whisper-yelled.

He chuckled and backed off, a proud smile graced his lips as he showed off his work to me.


On Matt's face was a curly mustache, hearts on his cheeks, and a dick on his forehead. It was taking a lot of effort not to laugh right now. I covered my mouth trying to conceal my laughter ultimately losing. Thank God Matt was a deep sleeper cause I laughed so much I cried.

I decided not to wake up Matt, mainly because I didn't want to be blamed for something Al did, and because I didn't know how we would react if I did wake him up in general. So I placed the blanked on him and walked away.

He's going to be so pissed in the morning.

I giggled thinking about how he's going to react and head towards my room. Opening my door I see Al laying on my bed, a hand propped up to hold his head and the other hand patting on the bed. A mischievous grin plastered on his face, he winked at me flirtatiously. I merely sighed and stayed at the door. "Al, get off my bed." I said rather calmly.

"Aww come on babe." He said whilst patting the bed once more.

"I have a guest bedroom for a reason." I say, leaning against the door frame.

He groaned dramatically and- he pretty much had a temper tantrum like a child.

"PLEASEEEEEE!?" He cried.

I stood my ground and furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance. "No, I'm not doing anything with you, now get out of my room."

"I just want to sleep with you." He stayed on the bed, face forward in the sheets.

I blushed immensely.

Why does he have to say stuff like this?

I walked towards the left side of the bed and placed my hands on my hips. "At least take a bath would you?"
He sprung up his head, his glasses falling off his head and landing on my pillow. Getting up he sprinted out my door and, to my best guess, went to take a bath.

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