~Chapter Thirty Five~

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  "So um, I was wondering..."

Oliver, unloading the clean white clothes from one of the dryers into a hamper looked up at me with gleaming eyes. "Yes?"

I don't know... Should I stick with my dusty, dirty shirt or ask to borrow something? 


Yeah I should probably borrow something...

"Yeah, I only found this old dusty t-shirt and I sorta want to take a bath...." I hesitated before starting again, "So, I was wondering, if there was any chance I could borrow something?"

Freckled cheeks blushed a bright shade of pink. "O-Oh, of course!" Oliver then began scouring through the piles of clothes he had just put in the white hamper. Finding two items he handed them to me but didn't meet my eyes. "I'm sorry I can't give you any um, undergarments..." He said while holding out a normal black t-shirt and some sweatpants. The shirt sounded okay in this weather but I'm 99.9% sure that I'll melt faster than the wicked witch of the west if I wear those sweatpants.

Fidgeting a bit I clutched the two items and thanked him, "U-um yeah, no, that's um, that's fine! If possible can I use one of these to wash my clothes?" A faint blush on my cheeks I rubbed my neck nervously. "Of course! And could I take that as well please?" He pointed to the company shirt in my hand.

"Oh right, I just found this in my room..." I hesitated before handing him the shirt. I mean it isn't mine so I have no right to keep it. Oliver didn't say a word about it, he simply took it and threw it into one of the many baskets.

"I guess I should get on my way then.... Oh wait, where's the bathroom?"

Meeting my eyes he smiled earnestly. "On the right a bit further down. There'll be a big dresser next to the door filled with towels and things as well."

Smiling back I thanked him and went on my way.

~~~After finding the bathroom, taking a wonderful bath/shower/whatever you like, and getting dressed~~~

I walked out of the steamy bathroom, the fresh air from the outside seeping into my pores. Sighing in content I stepped into the empty hallway, the grey sweat pants below my ankles so I was practically moping the floor with the bottoms. Luckily the black shirt was super big on me so it didn't hug my figure, making it safe to not where a bra.

The shower was calming, it gave me time to think; think about everything, giving me a small existential crisis. I couldn't think too much though, cause my stomach wouldn't stop begging for food.

My dirty clothes in hand, I walked to the laundry place and set them in a machine. I felt bad for taking a whole machine though.

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