~Chapter Twenty Nine~

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A-A girl? The young man thought to himself. A panic attack coming on, riling up his nerves. A rush of worry and nervousness swept over him. He stood unsure of what to do with himself. Should he help her? Throw her out? Let her stay? Leave? Would his voice work if he were to call out to her? Would the stuttering start? Would he glitch up? His head spun by how many options he had. Well he can't just leave her there, not when she looks like she needs some help. He watched as the strange girl danced in the sun then sat down, looking strangely at the couch.



I quickly turned my neck to see a strange view, away from the sun stood a young man in a white cloak. Piercing blueish purple eyes met mine, they were full of worry and is that anxiety? He nervously stepped his way towards me, wary of where I was. I kept my eyes locked with his, never leaving him or his figure. He was in the sunlight's view now, now I could fully identify him. Identify him as none other than 2P Prussia.

"Oh, hello." I said quietly. He stood behind the couch, looking very carefully over me. As if scanning if I were real or if I was a figment of his imagination.

He hesitated before speaking again, his eyes wandering from side to side. "Um, what a-are you doing here?" He stuttered slightly which made me question why he was so nervous.

"Oh! Um well." How am I supposed to reply to this? "I came in here with a couple of your buds and plan on staying here for a while, sup!"

"D-did you break in?" He looked at me when he said that, very, very worried.

My face flushed with emotions and panic. "No, no! Of course not! I came here with Allen, Matt, and Luci-"I paused then realized Luci really hates it when I call him that so I probably shouldn't say it front of the others. "-iano."

He looked at me in disbelief, like "Yeah right, and you're alive?"

"Yeah I know, a bit of a surprise." I replied a bit jokingly, seeing if he gets my humor.

He still looked at me questionably but I could tell the little smile on his lips. I decided to apologize any way, I mean who would like you if you barged in their room or home.

"I'm sorry, um-" He looked to the sides, seeing if anyone was around before replying to me.


My grin let loose when I heard his name, another close friend that I just hadn't met yet. And this boi is my smol son that needs to be protected

"I'm sorry Gilen, for barging in here like this." Gilen looked at me peculiarly. He definitely cannot wrap his head around me, and I can tell.

He nodded, as in accepting my apology. I scooched my way to one side of the couch then pat the other side. "Come sit down."

He reluctantly sat down next to me, keeping as much distance between us as possible. "Oh! I'm (Name) by the way. Sorry, should've introduced myself earlier."

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