~Chapter Fourteen~

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"How about," He began, getting the attention of the others as he put the file down in the middle of them, however keeping the photo of her.

"I pay a visit to your, boys, Oliver?" He said with a sinister grin.

"What a splendid idea." Oliver replied, sparks of pink igniting once more.~~~ Back to you (Name) ;) ~~~

Two weeks have passed now, I still can't believe it really. It's still surprising to wake up, look awful, and then be confronted with two REALLY attractive men. Ah yes, I hate mornings even more now.

It was Thursday so I had an afternoon shift in the evening. Waking up I flopped out of my bed, trying to wake myself up. Luckily I had a new security system for my door, I put a box of Lego's in front of the door so it's impossible to avoid, if you push the door open then the box spills. Allen tried to break the system once but failed, resulting in some bloody feet.

Picking up the box and placing it in my closet I got out and walked to the living room. Allen slept soundly on the couch, snoring softly. Picking the blanket that was thrown on the floor I gently placed it on him.

A soft smile grazes my lips as I look at his adorable sleeping face.

How cute

A sudden knock on the door awoke me from my thoughts. Walking towards the door, I peeked in the keyhole to check the sudden stranger. Seeing it was a mailman I unlocked the door and greeted him. "Good morning." I said with a crack in my voice. He returned my gesture and replied with a "Good morning to you too." Then he looked down to his machine, "Are you (Name)?" I nodded and he grinned, handing me the machine to sign it. "Then sign here please." Nodding I signed gleefully. Expecting a new 2p mouse pad from Amazon, instead I was confronted with a large box.


My eyes grew wide at the realization I got another one.

But I didn't pay for another one. I couldn't, I'm too broke -_-

"Oh." I said fully surprised. The mailman wheeled the box to my door, stopping to ask for my permission. "Yeah, place it right next to the other two." I pointed to the other boxes that were left next to the door. He wheeled in the box and quickly rushed back outside, he seemed scared of something but I couldn't quite tell what it was. "I-I think I'll just b-be on my way n-now. HAVE A GOOD DAY!" He said, quickly leaving.

I wonder what spooked him.

Closing the door I looked back at Allen, he was awake and smiling towards me. "Did you scare the mailman?" I raised my eyebrow questionably. He chuckled and stuck his tongue out playfully. "Maybe."

He did.

Shaking my head disapprovingly I walked towards the new unit, eyes immediately latched onto the manual. Going for the manual someone suddenly towered over me, taking the manual before me. Wanting to punch this person in the gut I realize its Al and still punch him in the gut. Blocking my punch he runs away with the manual in hand.

"HEY!" I yell, completely forgetting there was another person sleeping. Allen let out a hearty laugh and read the manual quickly, his face turning pale when he read it. "Not this asshole."

Tensing up I wondered who it could be, my mind roaming on a list of different 2p's. Out of the blue Matt appeared, clearly tired and irritated unto why he was awaken from his peaceful slumber.

"What's with all the ruckus?" He asked irritatingly.

"Hey asshat look at this." Called Al from across the room.

How nice, name calling this early in the morning.

Matt groaned and walked towards his brother, stumbling a couple times. "What is it?"

Awwwww he's so tired

Showing his brother the manual, Matt also grew pale for a moment. "Why is he here?"

Allen shrugged, replying with "Beats me."

"Who is it?" I question, getting eager to open the box. Suddenly a crackling noise was coming from the box, so I jumped behind couch to hide. More crackling noises were heard then a sudden loud tearing noise was made. I peeked above from the couch to see a hole made in the center of the box, an arm reaching out from it. I noticed that the arm had a tan uniform sleeve, and gloved hands. My mind lighting up I think I recognized who it was.
"HOLY SHIT IS THAT LUCIANO?" I yelled, jumping up from my spot behind the couch. The hand waved slightly, a light "Ciao" being heard from inside the box.

Walking towards the box, I squealed in happiness.

"Guys help me open this!" I said while trying to rip some of the wood off, failing miserably.

"Yeah, no thanks." Al replied towards me, taking a seat at the couch. Grunting and whining like a child I threw a temper tantrum. "Come OoooOoOn!!!!!" I threw some puppy eyes towards Al and he immediately fell for it, making the process of opening Luciano's box much easier.

After he was out an eerie silence filled the room, my eyes darted back and forth between the brothers and the new unit in the house.

"Um" I began, noticing the tension in the air.

Luciano inched towards me and I felt the sudden urge to bolt out of the room. My head facing downward I began to lift it up when he stepped closer. I didn't move back though, curious to what he'd do.
I felt the glare of the two behind me, but I merely shrugged it off. My eyes traveled from down to up, locking my (e/c) eyes with his magenta ones. They seemed to be piercing into me, not in a terrifying way as some describe it. But in a neutral way, as if trying to figure out what was going on in my head. He kept getting closer but I stayed still, frozen in time. We were inches away from our noses touching when he snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me into him, our lips grazing against each other. That's when the other two finally kicked into action, Allen putting an arm around my neck (slightly choking me btw) and pulling me back.

They apparently did not like the idea of Luciano hitting on me.

Thankfully, Luciano let go of me. Making it easier for Allen to drag me back without choking me.

I heard a chuckle escape the Italian's lips, followed by "Oh this is going to be fun" and a malicious grin.

My life will never return back to normal, will it?  

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