Happy 3 Years! - Author's Note

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Hello you guys! And happy three year anniversary to New Units! Isn't it absolutely wild that this story is three years old? For some of you, I know you might not have been here for the full three and may have joined along the way, maybe you've just binged it tonight, either way, whichever part of the journey you joined in on you're as equally loved and appreciated!

I know a lot of you know this but this story has helped me, not just the story but the characters too. They've always been a major part of my life and now I can say I've been living with them in my head for three whole years haha! I can't exactly tell if that's a good or bad thing, but I'm alive, aren't I? So that's always a win. Anyways, as this new chapter of my life is beginning, as I just graduated high school and am going to college in the fall, this will still be going on! I will desperately try my best to bring some closure to this story, and don't worry I won't just drop in and say "hey! so I've decided not to finish it!" I would absolutely hate that if it happened to my favorite fics(and it kinda has I've been waiting years for updates *insert crying emoji here*) so I won't do that to y'all!

Okay, so I kinda just wanted to say another big Thank you, and Love you to all!!!

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