~Chapter Fifty Five~ FINALE~Part One ~

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"So, what happens now?"

"That is up to you. I can have a car pick you up and take you home whilst I find a way to take them back. Or, you can become our new hire and supervisor for our sister location and other warehouse Flying Chocolate Bunny Inc. The choice is yours."

(Name) quickly took the kind assistant into a hug, a couple of tears spilling out of her cheeks. Which only made the assistant swell with emotion as well.

"Thank you." (Name) said, her voice cracking as she tightly closed her throat from making sobbing noises.

Miss R. naturally hugged the fragile girl back, holding her upright and wiping some of those tears.

"Now let's get you all home."


"Words can't express my gratitude Miss R. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I spewed out. Miss R. rolled her eyes with a loose smile hung on her lips. "Please, girl! You deserve to win this end, you've fought for so much for so long, trust me you deserve it. Plus I'm pretty sure you're the only person who actually tolerates these guys so. " She said, eyeing the others behind me.

Miss R. was a peculiar woman; her green eyes glimmered with a mysterious sheen to them, constantly tapping her tan, long fingers against her black, business-casual pants suit. She tucked a loose strand of unruly, curly brown hair behind her ear adorned with silver jewelry. The woman appeared young, possibly a student in college maybe. When she looked behind me there was a glint in her eye, something nostalgic, melancholy. I couldn't quite pinpoint her but she appeared glowing with joy, she was just this short character of happiness.

Snapping me from my trance, a voice exclaimed from above, along with scurrying, echoing, footsteps. "Congratulations!"

I swung my head around, my hair swaying by the force, to meet the eyes of those who'd spoken.

"Guys!" I said, arms out in the form of a hug, in excitement. The first players rushed down, each scrambling to greet me.

"Hey!" Alfred was the first to engulf me in a chest-crushing hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs before releasing me. I took a deep breath to stop seeing the little stars swimming around my head. After regaining consciousness I gleamed, "Thank you, I wouldn't be able to do this without you guys either."

"Oh please, we barely did anything," Alfred spoke, loudly might I add. Punching my arm playfully, although rough enough to make me rub the sore spot.

"Stop being modest you helped me and I'm grateful. Period." I said, trying to reciprocate the punch, utterly failing but drawing a giggle from him.

A hand gripped my shoulder, yanking me backward a bit. I bit my lip as Allen stood forward, standing in front of me and nudging himself in between me and Alfred. "They helped you?" He spoke viciously, venom in his tone.

Matt came around to my left, also placing distance between me and the first players. "She's coming with us so don't get any ideas fuckers." A burning fire of rage in his violet orbs, which made me jump to diffuse the situation.

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