~Chapter Thirty Two~

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"Is there internet here? Cause if there's not I'm going to die." This is a life or death matter tbh.

"Internet." Oliver places a hand on his chin, stroking his imaginary beard, pondering the answer. "I think Kuro has that."

"Hm, we'll just have to go and ask I guess." I said as my conclusion.

If Mr. I-don't-give-a-fuck-I-watch-hentai has my internet I'll just have to confront him for it.

I got up from the dusty bed and dusted myself off, no pun intended. "Let's go and find out then huh?"

With a nod we both began our search for a certain black haired, stoic type, anime boy.

That was until, I got attacked.


"AH!" Stumbling forward but staying on my feet, a not-so-but-still-strange heavy weight pounced on my back.

"WHO IS THIS?" I hear a familiar accent but it is way higher and way cheerier than its counterpart.

The stranger wraps their arms around my center and I squeal in surprise. "She's got a nice figure." I hear him mumble behind me.

"Could you maybe let go?" I shriek and begin prying arms off of me.

Successfully getting away, I come face to face with of course, yes you guessed it, 2P Romano.
I can't say I'm not surprised.

But I'm not surprised....

Bright blonde locks, gravity defying curl, deep fuchsia orbs, and clean as snow white designer suit.

"AW she's so cute! Are you the bella they've been talking about so much?" He questions, latching onto my cheeks like a proud mother.

"uh I phink sur" I mumble between squished cheeks.

"Mi dispiace! You're just too adorable." He said letting go of my, now red, cheeks.

"Flavio this is (Name), she's going to be staying with us for a while." Oliver introduced us both. 

"Hi." I said nervously, my hand out for a handshake. Flavio scoffed and grabbed ahold of my shoulders, gently grasping them tightly and quickly giving me a peck on each cheek.

Right. I forgot. Italians greet this way. (Wth why didn't Luci greet me this way that Italian jerk)

I freak out of course, my cheeks becoming redder than a fire hydrant. "U-uhh" Was the intelligent thing to come out of my mouth. Flavio just smiled, like incredibly happily, which sort of made me smile. His happiness was radiating off to me. Then he looked me down and gasped, and well, let's just say I've never seen someone react so disgusted by my pajamas before.

"Oh honey, please tell me you brought other clothes...?" He said with a hand covering his heart as if he were about to have a heart attack.

"Ummm" I begin to remember all of my suitable clothing lying neatly in my dresser, all alone, never to be seen again. "No?" I said with a high pitched voice, afraid of the outcome of this.

He gasped once more and grabbed ahold of my shoulders again, rocking me back and forth. "YOU ARE GOING TO NEED A MAKEOVER AND YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!" I think saying Flavio was excited is an understatement. He's over-excited. "guh kay" I mutter while keeping eyes with him. There were sparkles, he was just that excited.

Then his phone rang.


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