~Chapter Forty Five ~

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(Name) unwrapped his arms and slowly opened the panel of the box, poking her head to see if anyone was in the hall or in sight. After checking she stepped out, breathing in a solid huff of air.

"Whew." She muttered, wiping off her imaginary sweat.

Despite her brain racing, all (Name) had to do was take one look at Luci and smile, "Now let's go find the others!"


Tugging on Luciano's sleeve, (Name) began dragging him out of the graveyard gleefully. Suddenly stopping in the middle area she contemplated where to start looking. She placed her palm on her chin, truly wondering where everyone could be. Luciano couldn't tell if he should be annoyed or amused by her face, resulting in him rolling his eyes and letting out an exasperated sigh. He switched their roles, grabbing her hand and leading the way towards their normal meeting room. Stunted at first (Name) looked down at her palm, realizing it was intertwined with Luciano's. A cloud of peach dusted on her cheeks and a sly grin sneakily escaped towards her lips. He was holding head hand, bitterly, but holding her hand nonetheless.

The two stopped right before the door, thoroughly aware that the others stood inside. (Name) looked up at Luci, unaware of his sudden hesitation. A puzzled look grew in his features, and (Name) couldn't figure out why. Regardless, the two walked in.

(Name) was suddenly aware of her presence, as everyone she knew was staring intently at her. She wasn't sure if it was some sort of cue for her to speak, or be completely silent.

"So what the fuck was that about?" Xiao questioned, flicking a cigarette to the side.

With a swift stab to the table, Oliver glared Xiao down, a stilling calmness in his voice, "Language."

(Name) stood at the peak of the table, a spot where everyone could see her. With softness in her tone she replied, "I'm really sorry, I didn't think they'd trace me back to here."

"There's only one way they could've done that." Lutz piped in, "Did you discard the boxes?"

With a sheepish grin, (Name) scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Uhhhh, no?"

"Regardless, this place is no longer safe." Oliver chimed.

"But they might not come back."

"Then again they might, and if they find you here?" Matt adds, arms crossed.

"Then I'll deal with the consequences." (Name)'s demeanor changed after truly thinking over the situation.

She didn't want to make any trouble for her new friends, much less get them involved with her family drama. If only she could find a way to stay, or have the courage to leave.

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