~Chapter Eighteen~

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"God that woman is insufferable." I muttered underneath my breath.

I decided to walk back to the living room, seeing everyone the same way I left them. "How'd it go?" Allen asked.

"Really fucking horrible." I said with a tired voice.

Walking to the fridge I grabbed a coke and opened it. Slurping some of it in peace I took a moment of silence, however that silence was quickly broken by someone knocking on the door. My eyes shot wide and I rushed to door hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.



Looking through the key hole, it was my mother's perfect little spy. My older sister. (Sorry if you don't have an older sister but in this story you do ;))

Of course.

She knocked the door again and I began to go in panic mode. "SHIT! OKAY ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I said in a hushed tone.

"(Name)? I know you're in there." She said behind the door.


Thinking of what to say I walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door just a crack.

"Hello dear sister mine." I said sarcastically, knowing exactly what she was doing here.

"Hi (Name). I bet you can already guess who sent me huh?" I nodded to her, a smug grin placed on my lips. "The person who birthed us of course."

She nodded but then grew curious unto my strange defense of holding the door. "Are you gonna let me in or?" "Uh, well, ya know, I have some friends over so it would be awkward." I explained to her, hoping she'll go away.

"Oh great! So then I can meet them!" She said ecstatically.

At this point I began to shut the door on her. "How about ano-" She then nudged her foot in the doorway. "Just let me in (Name)." I sighed and obliged.

I watched as her eyes shot wide at my strange company. "O-Oh, hello there." She said with a hushed voice, suddenly feeling intimidated by these strangers. Of course Allen being Allen he got up and immediately began flirting with her. "Are you a baker?"

"Excuse me?"

"Cause you've got nice buns."

He winked at her and I swear I could feel the steam coming out of my ears. "Okay, no flirting, thank you." I pushed him back down on the couch forcefully. "Well sis you've already met Allen, this is Matt." I waved my hand towards said person. "And that is Luciano."

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