~Chapter Thirty Seven~

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Whew, for a second I thought it could be someone actually dangerous. The frightened girl said in her mind.

"I-I'm sorry, did I wake you?" The startled bean said from the doorframe. His sullen orbs of bluish purple darted across the room, trying to find any way to avoid looking into her gaze. She noticed that he seemed to be in normal clothes now, though still wearing that classic white cloak over him.

"Nah, I just woke up." (Name) said with a grin. She scanned the room briefly, recognizing a tattered Prussian flag in a corner. "Is this, your room?"

A rush of blush came into the pale Prussian's cheeks, stuttering and stammering following afterwards. "I-It's not what you think!"

(Name) let out a girly giggle, "I wasn't thinking anything silly."

Blood rushing to his face he tried to explain himself, all while avoiding eye contact. "You looked cold..." (Name) tried not to giggle as his words came out as "Jou" instead of "You." She was fascinated and frankly in love with his accent. "So you dragged me here in my sleep?"

"Sort of."

The imagery of (Name) being dragged by her ankle by the Prussian clouded the girl's head; the scene probably much different from what actually happened. With a small nod and a huge grin (Name) replied with, "Thanks. I truly appreciate that."

Gilen was starting to think he was going insane, mainly because he could've swore he saw stars twinkle in her eyes. Plus he wasn't sure why his robotic heart was beating the way it was, maybe it was broken, again. Yup, that had to be the case.

Gilen still wasn't sure why he scooped her up in his arms and let her sleep in his bed. Maybe he was just too kind, or maybe she was just too kind to him he feels he has to repay her. Probably the latter if he was being truly honest.

"So, what's the plan today?" The joyous girl asked. That twinkle in her eye practically blinding the poor bean.

"Um, plan?"

"Yeah, like anything special to do?" He shook his head.

With that blinding twinkle and huge grin she began explaining her day. "Well, I know that I have to clean up the room I'm staying in; I'll probably visit the laundry room, see what needs to be done. Oh! And I have to find Flavio, I can't keep walking around bra-less. Oh wait-" (Name)'s cheeks swelled up with pink. "Oops, gave a bit too much information there but whatever, you're my bud." She said with a finger pistols and a wink.

The more Gilen studied the girl, the more he was running out of answers. There was no way a human like this could exist right? With a raised eyebrow and confused gaze Gilen questioned, "Bud?"

Looking back at him in the same manner as she explained the meaning, "Yeah! Bud: Buddy, friend, amigo." He kept his questionable look on.

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