~Chapter Thirty One~

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"So I can call you "Ollie"?" I ask once more, just taking a precaution.

"Of course!" With that he linked arms with me and started dragging me away again. Going back the way we came.  


Going back to the short hallway we kept straight.

"And here we have the bedrooms." He said pointing to a hallway full of rooms, each door had a sign correlating to each country. Whether it was a flag or their name in general each was different and crafted to their design. I nodded in awe as I saw how many there were, the hallway was long and didn't show any signs of stopping. The place seemed fairly new as well, as the scent of paint was fresh on the walls.

"I know!! I'll show you a room we have available!" Oliver said, still as cheery as ever.

He walked ahead of me a bit too quick for my pace, I tried to catch up but small legs, so to no avail. I could still see him ahead of me but I don't think he realized I wasn't right behind him anymore. I let my eyes wander to the doors. As I was dazed on the huge hallway I didn't sense the presence behind me.

Nor did I snap out of my daze when I stumbled forward to the slap on my behind. It honestly took me about a minute or so to register what happened, I was just so shocked.

"You, did not just do that." I said fully aware of who was the culprit.

Anger filling my senses I turned slowly to face the sorry sucker that was gonna get beat to a pulp soon. I locked eyes with this sorry son of a female dog.

Amethyst eyes low, smirk extremely present, hands innocently behind him.

Enraged, I curl my fists and slowly lifting my fists to jab him. "You son of a b-" stopping myself, now sensing that I was still in a hearing distance of Oliver, and I did not want him to hear me curse. God knows what would happen.

Then it clicked.


And I just went along with what popped up in my head.

"baby just to let me down, mess me around. And then worst of all, you never call baby when you say you will, but I love you still. I need you, I need you, more than anyone darling you know that I have from the start so build me up, Buttercup don't break my heart~"

Yes. I know. I did just sing the chorus to "Build me up Buttercup." Do I regret it? Maybe.

Lutz burst out laughing, probably audible to the whole building. Tears at the edge of his eyes as he held his stomach from deadly laughter. I glare him down, lips pursed angrily in a pout.

At this point Oliver's behind us, confused as heck. "What happened?" He questioned innocently.

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