~ Chapter Forty Seven ~ SUPER SPECIAL EDITION ~

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~ Previously ~

With a pointed finger towards the Russian, (Name) said, "Viktor, I entrust you with my cards." 

Sitting upright Allen turned to the girl in the room, "What!?" 

(Name) enjoyed seeing him this way, frustrated. Or in human terms, jealous. She stook her tongue out childly but couldn't take it too seriously and ended up laughing. "I'll be right back."

(Name) stumbled her way to the bathroom, quickly doing her business and hurrying back. She kept her eyes locked in front of her, there was no way she was going to run into someone now. Eyes trained forward she speedily walked down the hall, one foot in front of the other making sure not to trip either. Feeling a little content with herself she relaxed in her pace, no one could possibly mess with her no-



The author hung onto her stomach and laughed her guts out. "Sorry (Name), you know I had to." 

"AUTHOR YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS." The flustered girl said, crossing her arms angrily. 

"Nuh uh, yes I can I'm the author remember?" 

The main character of this book narrowed her eyes and glared at the over-confident writer. 

"C'mon dude, really? Another fake chapter?" she said with disappointment. 

"Bruh I gotta keep you on your toes." Author said raising her arms and shrugging. "I also gotta stay relevant lol." The woman sneered and placed her hands behind her back, leaning back onto her heels. 

"Anyways, sorry for abandoning you for a couple months and giving you a not so great chapter but I want to give a lil more so I'm going to work real hard on the next one! I need to fuel my fluff addiction somehow." 

"Fluff addiction?" 

"That's besides the point." 

"Anyways, sorry for pranking you. You know I had to, love ya, writing the new chapter as we speak, give the boys my love! BYE!" The crazy gal ran back behind the hallway and disappeared into the abyss. Probably ending up in her bedroom, writing a story on her phone at 11 pm. 

Flustered, (Name) waved to the now empty space. "I-I guess, bye!" 


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