~Chapter Fifty One~

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The Flying Mint Bunny Inc.

I had no plan. I was pretty much just driving straight into the unknown, right for the belly of the beast. Yet, my whole body felt so free. I was worried of course, but I was happier than sad, cause I just couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see me walk through those doors. The dumbstruck, look of awe that will just be plastered on their expressions and I wouldn't be able to contain my laughter. Just the idea of it makes me smile, and that in itself is what makes all of this worth it.

I drove for hours, driving until I physically couldn't. And then, out in the distance far off the highway and deep in the woods, there it stood. It was already five times bigger than it's sister location, having at least 4 floors in its massive volume. The whole thing full of glass windows, all tinted. There were cars and vans and a BUNCH of people, mainly people in lab coats and suits which made my whole operation feel that much more intense. And with the outpour of people, there was security. Big, brawny men all in black standing intimidatingly in front of massive sliding doors. This was a covert operation and suddenly all of those spy scenes in the movies flicker through my head, the cute spy music ringing through my ears. I squinted my gaze towards my target, I had to find a way to stealthily make my way in, and I knew just what would work.

Sneaking around to the back of the building I scan the massive garage doors with large boxes and trucks being filled with said boxes. I went to the place with the least guards, casually walking my way in, looking like I knew exactly what I was doing.

I had no idea what I was doing.

Sure enough, I passed by just as the guard had turned their face and crept my way into the facility. The first event of the mission was stealth and to stay stealthy I needed a disguise, that disguise was called "Oh hell yeah the locker room is right there and I'm totally just stealing an empty lab coat." Waiting just as someone was leaving the room, I sneaked through the open door and went straight for the nearest locker. I paused in front of it, pondering, do I go on with my crime? I mean, I've come this far I might as well. Opening it up, I stole the person's precious lab coat along with their name tag, round glasses, and their extra granola bar. Did I feel slightly guilty of stealing? Yes. Was I going to continue? Absolutely. With a newly stolen name tag and granola bar in my mouth, I ventured out into the unknown.

As far as the eye could see were long white halls with tiny labels all around. I tried my best to look casual, constantly pressing the glasses up the bridge of my nose. Every person who passed me made my pulse rush and each time I'd look back I hoped they weren't doing the same. Each arrow I followed filled me with dread, not knowing where I was headed was a bad feeling but the fear of being caught was even worse. Following the arrows left me at a desolate elevator. Beside it was a map of the whole building, yet even with this map I still didn't know where I needed to go.

(Name) groaned at the sight of its tiny numbers and letter. "I mean, what the heck is '21B Harvest Floor' supposed to be?!" I mumbled beneath my breath. Although "Harvest Floor" sounded creepy maybe in "Matinence Floor" I'd have more luck. Pressing the bright button I waited as the ding slowly went off and entered the confined space. My warm finger quickly tapped on the touch screen button and I wormed my way to the corner, silently praying no one would come in.


The dreadful sound of the elevator went off and just as the doors opened my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. In came two brawny guards, upon seeing my face smirked and walked in.

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