~Chapter Forty~

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All throughout the process of making these delicious treats the two spoke consistently. (Name) spoke of how she found the 2ps and the ideas everyone shared about them. She spoke of her family, the ones she left behind, and how she didn't regret it. (Name) loved her family but this was something she had to do; not for anyone but herself.

Flour flew in the air along with assorted sprinkles, ending up dirtying the two.

Oliver was saved by his striped frilly apron, however (Name) had nothing to protect her; she really feared Flavio's wrath now.

The scent of (favorite flavor) filled the air along with the sugary sweet frostings. The mere amount of sugar was enough to give (Name) some sort of sugar high. After taking the treats out of the oven and letting them to cool a certain someone walked in, that person being-



"Ayy what is up my dude?" I greet Francois enthusiastically, throwing some finger guns in the air. However, he did not think it was very funny, as I was met with a smug glare and a cough to the side.

The giddy feeling I once had was now replaced with a sour acidic feeling. An anxiety driven bee buzzes in the pit of my stomach, making a hive at the bottom. I sit at the table in shame, regretting my finger guns.

"Alrighty then." I mutter, much less enthusiastically now.

Oliver pouts and sourly looks at his companion. "Francois! Be nice!" He scolded.

Francois simply grunts and walks to a low cabinet, opening it up to reveal a wine collection. I watch as he brings out a dark purple bottle from the cabinet, and leans against the counter. He rolls out a drawer from his left side and pulls out a wine opener, proceeding to open the bottle.

I take a mental note of which drawer it's placed in, and place it in the back of my mind. Oliver rolls his eyes at the sound of an oh so familiar pop, pouting at the man and his unwise decisions.

"Must you get irresponsibly drunk at 4:30 Francois?"


I stare in shock at the unfolding situation. Francois makes the same motion as before and simply shrugs, genuinely not giving a fuck.

Oliver grumbles in his spot and turns a blind eye.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something scutter across the pearlescent floors. Turning my head in its direction, what I see makes me screech. On the polished white floors a brown nuisance runs around freely, searching desperately for the darkest place in the room.

"KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" I squeal, hopping up on my chair for safety.

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