~Chapter Forty Three~

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She stood in front of them, scanning each of her new opponents. But which would she pick first? 

Hmm. She pondered, stroking her imaginary beard.

Who should go first?

​​​​​​Ya know what? For being an arrogant asshole, I'll pick Luci.

(Name) strided to the side of the room, picked up two pool cues, then threw one of them Luciano's way.

"Show me what you've got hot stuff." She said, a playfulness coating her words.

Luciano's expression was difficult to read, mainly because he was incredibly shocked, but refused to let anyone know. He remained stoic, if anything, glaring at her audacity. He rolled up the sleeves to his white dress shirt, then combed his fingers in his hair.

(Name) spewed confidence, this was her domain, she'd been playing pool for years. Despite what some thought of her, if you dared to challenge her, you would surely be beat. She leaned onto her cue, stretching out her backside.

(Name) grinned as a memory flooded her mind.

She remembered the nights when Country Club dinners would end, all women would go to a corner and gossip, the men would have a nightcap and a cigar, that left all of their children to go to the pool house. (Name) hated going there, all the kids were snobs and only stayed in their inner circles. But she'd always love to see one of their faces when she beat them in a game of pool. Her father had taught her when she was but a child, but as years grew on she became incredibly skilled. She liked to think of it as her party trick. And as the years passed by, it was honestly the only time people would notice or socialize with her. The gossip, the smoke, and the annoying chatter of prepubescent teens was a memory she didn't hate.

(Name) felt the weight of the pool cue, adjusting her hands to the appropriate places. Once adjusted, she gathered all the pool balls and put them into the wooden triangle piece used to place the pieces on the table. She placed each ball in order, remembering them by heart. Lifting up the triangle she tossed it to the side, grabbing a piece of chalk and rubbing it into her pool cue.

"Ladies first." (Name) said jokingly, to which got her audience shocked.

With the twitch of his eye, Luciano replied monotonously, "Please, after you." He obviously didn't like her teasing.

(Name) nodded with a grin, she was fully enjoying herself. Going to the end of the table she positioned herself, getting low on the table, her elbow rubbing against the green felt. She moistened her lips and steadied her breathing. Her ankles shook as she quickly made her first move, breaking the triangle with ease.

A silence of awe spread throughout the room, visible eyes were wide open in surprise. (Name) smirked with pride, her eyes glistening as a few billard balls plopped their way into the leather sockets. She'd gotten stripes, and felt pretty darn confident with herself. With a flirtatious wink, she lightly said, "Your move."

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