~ Chapter Forty Seven ~

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~ Previously ~

With a pointed finger towards the Russian, (Name) said, "Viktor, I entrust you with my cards."

Sitting upright Allen turned to the girl in the room, "What!?"

(Name) enjoyed seeing him this way, frustrated. Or in human terms, jealous. She stook her tongue out childly but couldn't take it too seriously and ended up laughing. "I'll be right back."

(Name) stumbled her way to the bathroom, quickly doing her business and hurrying back. She kept her eyes locked in front of her, there was no way she was going to run into someone now. Eyes trained forward she speedily walked down the hall, one foot in front of the other making sure not to trip either. Feeling a little content with herself she relaxed in her pace, no one could possibly mess with her no-



Startling her from behind, Matt shocked her by patting down on her shoulders, freaking the girl out. He chuckled at himself, "You scare too easily dork."

"Shut up." She said, slightly annoyed but more giggly if anything. (Name) smacked his arm playfully and laughed with him, aware that it was simply a joke, also overly aware of the cute name he called her. Happiness fluttered in her stomach as she realized his small smile was caused by her, she truly loved how comfortable he had grown with her and that ladies and gentleman (and everyone else) is what I call growth. And its a thing of beauty.

(Name) locked arms with him and began dragging him down the hall, back towards her playing station.

"C' mon! We can play a round of Uno after I'm done beating these losers." She said snarkily. The top of Matt's ears grew red, along with a small cloud of pink dusting over his cheeks.

"WHO'RE YOU CALLING A LOSER PUNK!?!" Xiao yells from across the hall.

"SQUARE UP LITTLE MAN" Half serious, half-jokingly (Name) let's go of Matt to straighten up.

Hands in the air, fast walking towards the two Xiao yells back, "YOU'RE LITERALLY SHORTER THAN ME."

"I could beat you to a pulp." With a death defining glare (Name) places her hands on her hips defiantly.

Close enough to stop yelling towards one another, Xiao raised a dark brow and replied in a snide tone. "Oh yeah, like you did Lutz?"

Face turning red from anger and embarrassment (Name) grew heated all over again. "THAT WASN'T FAIR AND YOU KNOW IT!"

There was that look of his, one that made her shiver slightly like a pack of ants crawling up her back rapidly. She didn't need to hear the words from his mouth, she already knew what he meant and that sent her in a flustering rage.

"Let's just finish the game, you idiot." She muttered, slightly defeated.

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