~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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  Now this room is full of different people. People I want to meet, but am somewhat nervous to.

You know what? Screw it. 

I threw my morals out the window and took my step and turn. And BAAM! Room full of 2p's.

Oh wow


Everything stopped when this strange girl walked in. No one spoke, no one barely breathed. All eyes were on her. Which made her freak out internally, but she kept it cool out front.

She clung to the side of her shirt. She had just realized that she was still in her pajama clothes and messy hair.

Great, could I make a better impression?

The girl tried smiling, which came out as a weird sheepish, nervous grin. She lifted her hand and waved awkwardly. "Hi."

The look in her eyes screamed "help".

Everyone eyed her peculiarly, some more surprised than others. A certain strawberry blonde brit stepped forward, a spark ignited in those baby blue orbs of his.

"You're (First Name) (Last Name) right?" He said getting extraordinarily close to the girl.

With wide eyes she nodded, quite surprised by how close he was. A newly found excitement burst into (Name)'s system, realizing that everything she had ever written or drawn about these guys was coming to life.

"But how did you-" She began, only to be quickly cut off by a cheery yet suspicious Ollie. "We know all of our customer's poppet."

"Okie." She said still, not questioning anything.

(Name) shifted on her feet, going from one hip to the other. Feeling just a bit uncomfortable in a room full of men.

She lifted her eyes to meet the Brit's gaze. "I'm really sorry for bursting in here uninvited." She apologized.

"Oh nonsense poppet! We haven't had guests in- well never." He said with a grin that could put the Cheshire cat to shame.

The girl chuckled, surely he was joking right? Nope. As soon as she caught wind he wasn't joking she quickly stopped laughing and cleared her throat.

"Oh! Where are my manners? Please, sit down." Oliver offered her a spot at a nearby table. Actually, the only table in the room, a long red-wood table. Other than some scratch marks on the edges of the table she would've felt welcomed at the table.

She didn't really feel like sitting down as she was sitting in a car for multiple hours but she couldn't be rude and refuse. So she quickly thanked him and sat down in a seat.

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