~Chapter Forty Four~

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~Previously ~

After staring at a couple clouds for 5 minutes Matt finally entered. I took moment to breathe his image in. His hair was loose and still sopping wet, a couple of droplets hitting the floor melodically. He was dressed in his usual attire, same flannel, dark jeans, hiking boots. But he'd also added a jacket to his look today, similar to mine.

"I see we're twinning today." I say giddily, placing my hands into my jacket. Just then Matt looked at me strange, not questioning, just strange. A look I couldn't pin point since I'd never really seen it on his features before.

"Ready to go?" He said, already turning to leave. I muttered a "yup" and caught up with him.


I walked quickly to keep up with Matt's long steps, as I was much smaller than him, his glides were much longer than mine. We headed to the main doors and suddenly I remembered the truck that we had stolen before.

Wow! I forgot we actually stole that, whoops.

As I stepped outside I took a deep breath in, filling my lungs with real, non-contaminated air. My nostrils burned with the scent of pine, my lungs coated in the strong scent. The sun's full rays sank into my skin as I stretched my arms upward to the sky. Birds sang happily as the wind shook the trees lightly and I yawned for a split second until, once again, falling behind Matt. Matt hopped in the drivers seat and immediately started the ignition, I had to rush to make sure I wasn't left behind. After a couple of minutes of waiting for the truck to warm up we drove off, more into the forest but not from where we originally drove from. That dewy scent of fresh grass filled my senses and I began to realize how long it had been since I'd really been outside. I'm such a hermit I usually only go out if I really have to, but now that I'm here I wish I had gone out more. Maybe now I'll have the chance.

The dewy scent wasn't the only one I had noticed though, there was another. A musky type smell that definitely radiated from Matt. I didn't dare to ask, but it did kinda smell like a weird mixture of cologne. The idea that Matt would actually put effort for me left as soon as it came. There was no way, right?

We sat in an unbearable silence as Matt drove off into the unknown, by the looks of which looked so unreal to me. I rested my arm on the edge of the rolled down window, a soft breeze rushing through my hair as I felt the tug of wind flutter through my fingers. I looked over to Matt, glancing at his resting face. He seemed at peace, happy even, which made my lips contort upwards into a grin. There's nothing more satisfying in life than seeing someone unapologetically happy. Suddenly the silence didn't feel so bad, it was like this morning, peaceful.

After driving for about 30 minutes Matt pulled off into a smaller pathway. At the end of the road a small shed stood crusted and dusted, but still standing. Matt hopped out of the truck and walked to the shed, I took this as my cue to get out. He went in and out quickly, now holding a shotgun, much to my dismay. I wasn't completely nerve wracked, but not exactly calm either. He wrapped the gun around his shoulder, the maroon strap holding it in place.

Matt glanced towards my alarmed face and fell in a disarray. "Come on." He said, softer than usual. Still eyeing the weapon, I scurried beside him, walking further into the forest.

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