~Chapter Twenty Four~

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The girl heard chuckling behind her and in all of her rage she turns around to confront this person. "FIGHT- me." She stopped mid-sentence, seeing as it was none other than-



"L-Luci?" (Name) said with a cautious voice. He stopped chuckling to point out a certain rule (Name) had put earlier.
"What happened to no hitting huh?" The girl scoffed and laughed nervously. "W-well that doesn't count for me."

She said with a stutter in embarrassment.

It seemed however that the harassment for the poor girl wasn't over. The man got back up getting ready to lay another hand on her, however he locked eyes with the man in front of her. A murderous aura vibrated off the man with a small candle in hand, his sickly vibrant orbs peering into the idiot's soul. The idiot immediately stepped back. Feeling death upon him, knowing that the man in front of him was not one to be meddled with. With a terrified expression the group hurriedly ran away from the two. The girl turned around, seeing the cowards run off into the distance. "Hm, it seems they got the memo." She said with a stilled voice.

The two patiently waited for the group to reunite and (Name) was quite surprised to see what they had brought. Allen brought two movies, Luciano brought a candle (God knows why), and Matt brought, "Nothing?" (Name) asked to the empty handed man. He shrugged to the side, not recalling anything that called out his attention (other than the Trump book which he literally wanted to rip to shreds). (Name) smiled sweetly, she never though in a million years that she would end up in a Walmart with these three dorks. Literally they're dorks fite me

The girl looked towards Allen and suspected the movies he brought. She blushed at the first one then chuckled as she caught onto his joke. "This is a joke right?" she said pointing towards "Fifty shades of Grey" with a giggle. Allen chuckled feeling complacent with the reaction out of her. "Aw, you know me too well Babe." He said with a snicker. She shook her head and let her eyes roll of to the side. She glanced at the second one. "Cloverfield huh?" she said with a light tone. "I don't remember it very well but I'm pretty sure it was creepy." She looked back up at him for a look of approval, he shrugged in agreement. She then looked at the item Luciano had brought, a candle. Of all things in the world a candle is the last thing she would have imagined. "A candle?" She questioned him. "It smells of amemoria." Something sparked in his eyes but (Name) didn't want to question it. "Okie."

Suddenly out of the blue two ringtones went off at the same time. One was "AND HIS NAME WAS JOHN CENA DA DA DA DUN" while the other was a standard ringtone. (Name) jolted in surprise, recognizing the ringtone to be one of someone cold. She read the caller ID and decided to ignore the call, unsure of what she'd tell to this person. Figuring she would just call them later.

She noticed Luciano's face of disgust as he read the caller ID on his phone. However, even in his distaste, he picked up the call.

"Si?" He said hesitantly.

Instantly loud (extremely happy) Italian could be heard from the other line.

"I'll just, go pay for this stuff stay here okay?" (Name) said with a sheepish chuckle.

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