~Chapter Fifty Two~

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"Now, let's go get em!"

Pumped with excitement, (Name) turned behind her looking around the room she was in. A good three seconds pass before she realized she had no idea where she was going.

"So, which way?" She says, turning around with a sheepish smile on her face, a pointed finger in a random direction.

Pushing through the crowd, a prominent silver-headed man in all navy blue confidently struts up to the girl and passed her. "The awesome me will lead the awesome way."

(Name) was certainly amused by the polar opposite of his second player, Prussia/Gilbert, his accent was the same though, with those t's sounding like z's and w's sounding like v's. Gilbert smirked just as she'd always imagined he would and although it did add an extra skip to her heartbeat now was not the time for that.

"Yes, of course." She says, trying to meet his pace but falling behind.

"Ugh, why are you indulging him?" Ludwig mumbles behind, crossing his arms over his heavy-set chest. (Name) lowers her pace to meet him, even so barely keeping up with her short legs and small steps.

"Cause he's himself; Unapologetically confident. I'd never want him to change." It's as if the small amount of sun streaming through the building hits her just right because it's as if she's shining right now. Well at least in his eyes it seems.

Her shine doesn't last for long though, she stops in her tracks looking behind her. She frantically searches through the crowd, furrowed brows present with pursed lips.

"Are you missing something?" Francis questions.

"Um, I think so." She says, beginning to count with her fingers. You guys are the originals of the Second Players right?" She questions, even if it is the dumbest question she's asked.

"Uh, yeah." Replied Alfred, a slight obviousness in his tone.

"Then according to my calculations, we're missing someone." She stops to see if they'll recognize who she means, yet to no avail they do not. "Guys, we're missing Canada and don't you dare say 'who?' cause I will smack you."

Coming out of the corner "Um, I'm over here."

A synonymous "Ohhh, " rang through the air and (Name) glared at those who said it for too long. However, just like her, she switched in an instant.

"Matthew!" She exclaimed, hopping his way and locking arms with the meek male. Merely going along with her he mumbles back an "H-hello?" and blushes furiously.

"Cmon outta the shadows buddy, whatcha doin there?" She says, yanking him away from the corner and pulling him to the front of the crowd.

"There, now everyone can see you."

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