~Chapter Thirty~

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"I mean Oliver with the whole cupcake and the strict language, Kuro with his honor thing, I mean even Matt with his gruffness. You guys are just so unique, and you don't give a shit either. I mean Allen truly doesn't give a shit, he doesn't care when people judge him for his tattoos or the low V necks-" I almost cracked up when I remembered the low V necks, not to mention the transparency. "You guys are just so, damn different it's like a breath of fresh air. Even you, you're so you!"

Yup, he definitely thinks I'm crazy.

"Yeah. I know, I'm not making much sense."

He was left speechless. Which cracked me up even more, I left this guy speechless.

Then I realized I was wrong. He wasn't left speechless, he was moving his lips but I couldn't hear his voice anymore. For a moment I thought I'd gone deaf then I heard lingering footsteps coming our way.

I hadn't gone deaf. Gilen had gone mute.


"(Name)?" I heard a familiar cheery voice call out.

I turn to face the voice, a pit of panic rushing through my veins. What happened to him? I look back and he looks distraught. His lips pursed shut. Eyes looking down.

"(Name)?" I heard again, the same person calling. "I'm over here!" I stand up and raise my voice just enough so he can hear me.

Looking back at Gilen he stood up as well. I notice one of his hands tightly grasp the side of his cape. His knuckles were scrunched up and turning white. The other was too enclosed behind said cape to see it.

I carefully placed my hand over his bare knuckles, softening his hand. He looked up to me, searching for something in my eyes. I meekly smile back at him, unsure of what to do.

"Poppet! Here you are, you weren't by the door." Oliver said worriedly. I turned around to face him, the front of the sofa at my knees. The others stood behind Oliver as well, walking towards me slowly. "Oh sorry, I just thought it would be impolite to ease drop on the conversation."

"At least she has some manners." I heard 2P Japan mutter under his breath.

My hand leaves Gilen's and in a moment he's gone. He ran. He ran away from me. I wanted to call out to him but someone stopped me. "Don't" He said. He shares a similar voice with his older brother, I thought while locking eyes with none other than 2P Germany. "Why?" I ask quickly, almost frustrated. "Long story." He simply replies. "I have plenty of time." I snap back. He glares at me for a moment then returns he returns to a malicious smirk that if I weren't pissed at the moment would've swooned over.

I grumble and cross my arms. There are secrets hidden behind these walls, I can feel it.

"Changing the subject, we've got to talk about you staying here doll." My eyes met Allen's, he seemed sincere. The conversation in there must have been rough.

"Ok-a-yy" I said, shifting my weight on my feet once more. "Should I stay standing or sit down? Am I gonna faint?" I asked half-jokingly. Allen chuckled at my joke which I found as a good sign that he was still the guy I knew. "You won't faint, but if you do I'll be sure to catch you babe." He said with a wink.

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