~Chapter Seventeen~

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"Uh nothing why don't you just go back to where-" "How long have you been dating?" Queue the blush and the muttering.

"U-uh" "Dating?" At this point Luciano looks at me with a raised eyebrow but quickly catches onto my lie. In understanding my lie he snakes an arm around my waist and plastered a smirk on his face.

"Yes, dating."

I hate you.


The girl looked pleased seeing us together but she could obviously see the discomfort in my face when I tried to pry him off of me.

"Uh, not a long time as you can see." I said chuckling nervously trying to get him to stop. Losing, he kept me at his side, showing me off like some sort of trophy wife.

"You look very cute together." She said smiling at us, actually believing we we're an actual couple.

"Heh, thank you."

I nodded at her and began pushing Luci away from the table. I hoped that this conversation would never be heard of again but of course good things can never happen to me.

"Dating huh?"

"It was just a misunderstanding." I replied trying to drop the subject. He of course keeps prying about the subject though.

"How was that a misunderstanding?"

I sighed trying to get him to shoo so I could get back to my work. "I told her you were taken is all."

"Taken?" He stood his ground and kept pestering me about it.

"Look the words just came out of me okay, I wasn't thinking." I admitted to him.

He eyed me carefully, I don't know how to describe his glares, he's just very suspicious of me and I have absolutely no idea why.

He obliged to me pushing him away and sat back down to his original spot, he didn't say anything throughout the rest of the day.


When my shift was finally over it felt like all the world was right again, except when I came home, something was terribly wrong.

"I'M- home?" I stopped midway my sentence mainly because something was very wrong about this picture. "What the hell are you two doing?" The two brothers were sitting civilly on the couch awaiting my arrival. "Okay what did you two do?" They looked sheepishly up at me, and I suddenly felt a prickle of panic.

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