~Chapter Thirty Four~

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  With my hands still on my face covering my view it was only natural for me to bump into someone. I bumped into someone, hard, like I was at full speed so I went flying back. Hands from my face and now on the cold tile floor. I crane my neck up to see the person I bumped into.

Oh no. 


"I-I AM SO S-SORRY." I stutter loudly, my pupils grown wide. Out of everyone I just had to bump into "him."

Viktor stood unfazed by the sight of me, his crimson orbs simply staring at me. No glare, no hatred, simply staring.

Wow. One person who doesn't hate me. Or so it looks. Sorta.

Viktor looked to the side, mumbling something in his foreign language. Grumbling he lent a hand out to me, and for a solid 30 seconds I had no idea what was happening. Grumbling once more he growled lowly, "Do you want my help or not?"

Figuring out he was trying to help me I jolted in place. "O-OH yes, thank you." I gently grasped his hand. Getting a firm grip he pulled me up as if I was a sack of potatoes. I bolted forward at first, losing my balance and falling but of course he was also in front of me so I ended bumping into him once more. My palms were on his knitted black sweater, my trembling fingers onto his cold chest. His cold hands were tenderly held at the small of my back, the temperature so different from mine. I looked up to be met with those crimson eyes that bore into me, I wish I could tell you what was happening in his brain but honestly I couldn't tell what. That familiar shade of pink dusting my cheeks I realize the cliché moment at hand.


Taking a huge hop backwards, I lightly pushed myself away from him. I placed my hands behind my back, hoping that they wouldn't get me into any more trouble. Viktor loomed over me, his height intimidating the heck out of me. I looked down at my bare toes on the white floor, suddenly finding interest in my dirty pajamas pants. "Sorry, I'm a clumsy idiot, please don't hate me." I mutter lightly.

"Hate you?" He repeated, a bit of curiosity hinting his words. Looking up a bit, I smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah...." Scoffing lightly, he placed a hand on my head and ruffled my already messy hair, then walked away from me.

Okay, that was strange but I'm pretty sure that was a sign that he doesn't hate me.

"What was that all about huh?" I heard a familiar accent growl out to me. Grumpy Gills # 1 popped out from the end of the hallway, witnessing the scene between me and Viktor.

"Um, I'm not sure to be honest." I reply, wishing not to explain the situation at hand. He eyes me for a moment, then shrugs, leaving the subject be.

An awkward silence envelops the room for a moment, Matt being quiet but not his usual quiet, like a nervous quiet. I fidget in place as well, you'd think I wouldn't be so awkward with him since I've known him for like a month now. NOPE. IM STILL AWKWARD AS FUCK SORRY EH.

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