~Chapter Eleven~

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Matt's violet eyes grew wide when (Name) embraced him. He was confused, stunned, and a whole different amount of emotions. However, there was a warm feeling inside of him, and it sort of made him want to hug her back. Yet seeing his brother in front of him doing crude gestures made him annoyed and he probably wouldn't live the day down if he did hug her. Shoving her off of him as politely as possible, (Name) kept a grin on her face. She felt so proud, she knew she made the right decision letting them stay and she knew she would never let them go.


Monday came too quick and the day of work came. I had college on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. However I had work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday I had the morning shifts, and if I'm lucky, full shifts sometimes. And on Thursday and Friday, I have afternoon shifts. Hopefully Allen and Matt understand my schedule. I just hope I'll be able to spend as much time as possible with them until summer starts, then I'll be able to spend loads of time with them.

I woke up to the sound of a rooster singing, my eyes barely opening. I tried to roll myself out of bed, only to fail miserably cause SOMEONE was holding onto me.

"Motherfucker." I said in a quiet mumble. I surprisingly got out of his grasp quite easily, he's probably super tired from messing with Matt the whole day yesterday. It was nothing but insult and insult thrown by both sides, it felt like it was never going to end.

Shimmying out of his grasp I roll to the carpet. My butt landing on the surface first, making me groan loudly in pain.
Sitting on my knees I grabbed my phone that rested on my night stand and swiped the screen so the alarm would stop sounding. Using the night stand to push myself up I stumbled up and began walking to my drawers.
After grabbing my waitress uniform I made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

~~After shower and makeup and such~~

I walked out of the bathroom to a sweet scent. My feet dragged me to the scent and I mysteriously found myself in the kitchen. Eyes opened wide, I saw Matt standing close to the stove. His flannel shirt was slightly open, his hair a mess, and flannel pajama pants. He had circles under his eyes, and I could tell it took a lot of effort for him to get up. He flipped another pancake on the pan and my eyes roamed on the stack of pancakes he already made.
"Matt?" I called out, my voice squeaking because I hadn't cleared my throat yet. He turned his head and his eyes met mine, a sweet sign in them. He grumbled under his breath and looked away from me, but I could tell what he was trying to do.

I-is he actually trying to, be nice?

He reached for something in a cabinet and I noticed it was a plate. He placed some pancakes on it and handed it to me.


I blinked simultaneously but grabbed the plate nonetheless, a soft smile forming on my lips as he handed the plate to me, blushing.

How cute!

I giggled silently and made my way to the table, syrup already set and a fork. I sat at the table giddily and watched him work.

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