~Chapter Twenty~

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Morning came soon enough, (Name)'s (eye color) orbs adjusting to the early time. (Name) shuffled in place only to realize she was held captive by someone.

Of course. (Name) thought.

Turning her head she saw-



She felt uncomfortable in his tight grasp, thinking he was just as clingy as counterpart.
His hand was placed gently at her waist, but it kept her tightly close, almost protective or predatory.
(Name) began to pry said hand away, trying to do so without waking up the sleeping individual. She heard a groan coming from him and she knew he had woken up, feeling groggy and probably grumpy. Feeling cold and longing for warmth he pulled the body next to him closer, making the poor girl fluster at the closeness. She didn't want to wake him up but at the same time she didn't think she could stand being in that position for the next few hours. She sighed in defeat, falling into him and deciding that a few more hours of sleep wasn't going to hurt.

~ (Name)'s dream ~

I found myself in an empty hospital room, the colors being monochrome and dull. My eyes lit up as the small echo of my name could be heard from an unknown room. Running towards this place I jogged through the empty abandoned rooms, not one person was there and it felt so empty. So empty. Hearing the voice going farther and farther away I ran faster, hoping my feet could go quicker to find this stranger. Their voice was longing and panicked, as if wondering if I was even here. I found myself in a cross section, in each different path shouted my name, each a different tone. One was lovingly and longing, the other irritated and monotone. I could tell who these voices were, some I recognized so well it made me want to cry. I couldn't decide, I stood there in the cross section, tears dripping down my face and my knees feeling like led. I didn't want to decide, I couldn't. Soon enough the voices began to drown out, they weren't saying my name anymore. They weren't saying anything anymore.
I can't stand this silence I thought. So I ran, I didn't care which path I had chosen, I just didn't want to be alone anymore. A door appeared and I pushed through it, warm air and the smell of (favorite flower) filled my senses and I could feel an instant peace. I looked around and found no door behind me, I was in the middle of a luscious and beautiful garden. I saw people from a distance, something in my gut told me something wasn't right but my mind paid no attention to my instincts. Walking slowly to this group of people I realized I couldn't recognize them, their faces were familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I decided it was safe and walked closer to them, but something inside me snapped, they turned to me with scornful faces. One's I once thought were sweet and lovingly turned cruel and hateful. The walked towards me like wolves, waiting to pounce on their newly found prey. I was paralyzed in the moment, my eyes wide in shock. I wanted to move, I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. So many of them stood around me and I collapsed, their words hitting me like bricks. "You'll never be loved." "You're all alone." "Why do you even try?" "Just die already" "Give up." "It's not worth it." "You're not worth it."
"STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT!" I screamed, covering my ears with the palms of my hands, but the words just kept coming in. Suddenly everything stopped, the torture ended and I could see a light from afar. Someone touched my shoulder lightly and I turned quickly to see. It was someone I knew, someone sweet and around them were more people I knew. I still couldn't recognize most of their faces but I felt peace. I felt calm for just a moment, I ran into the arms of the closest person, feeling their warmth and kindness within me. For once in a long time I felt calm, no anxiety, no panic attacks, no depression, just peace and calm. It was something I had longed for, for such a long time. I gently pushed away from the person I was hugging and glanced to the people around, they felt like friends. Genuine friends. People I could trust and talk to. People who would always cheer me up if I was feeling down. People I had longed to know for years were here. And they were my friends. Tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks as I found myself being uncontrollably happy. "We'll always be here (Name)." I heard them say. I wanted to reply but my voice felt raspy and then my vision fell blurry, and before I knew it I was back. Back in the real world.

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