~ Chapter Seven ~

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YoU WoULdN't dARe

It's as if he's ignoring me, because he did not read my threat.

"(cup number and size)" He said with an obnoxious smirk, plus he said it as if he was proud.

Queue me blushing hysterically again, and pushing them out even quicker. Once I get them out of my room I have no idea what to do next other than close the door and think up of some rules.

"Don't ever go in my room without my permission got it?" I say gesturing a no with my finger. They chuckled at my attempt to take control of the situation and reply with a simple "sure" then walk off to explore the rest of my commode.


I sigh exhaustedly and walk back to the kitchen, looking at the schedule for Saturday. Today I had to do laundry and get groceries. Looking around I start to search for items that I need to buy.

I'm definitely going to need more pancake mix. Oh! Maybe I should go to the Whole Foods to see if they have any Vegan stuff. Hm, now that I think about it, should I bring them with me? Maybe not, but I can't just leave them here can I?

Contemplating on my thoughts, I thought I might ask their opinion on the subject. Walking back towards the hall I wonder where they could be. My apartment literally only has two room in it so it's impossible for them to either get lost or for me not to find them.

I hear chatter coming from the extra room and walk quietly towards the door. Knocking first, I walk into the room curiously.

"Um, guys?" I question, looking in the empty room. Turns out, they weren't there. I tilt my head in confusion and search the room.

Nope, they're not here. Hm, that's weird I could've swore-

Torn from my mind, I get jump scared from behind me.

"AH!" I screech loudly and fall to the ground, my knees scratching against the carpet floor. "Owwww, not fair!!!" I whine like a child, clinging onto my rug burnt knees. Behind me is a laughing (more like howling) American followed by a chuckling Canadian. Glowering angrily I get back up and stomp my way towards my room. Shutting the door dramatically and loud.


Walking to my dresser I pull out some suitable clothing for human interaction, my outfit comprised of (Fav color) tank top, jeans (to cover up my rug burnt knees) and some nice (flats/sneakers, your choice). Making my way to the bathroom I put all my things down and get ready for the day.

By the time I had finished getting ready, which comprised of taking a shower, dressing up and applying light makeup, I walked back to the living room. The two had been patiently waiting for my arrival back. I guess after my outburst they might have thought about their actions and wanted to apologize?

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