~Chapter Twenty Six~

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As I drove off everyone stayed silent.

I finally gathered up enough courage to ask them. "Okay, seriously what's wrong with you guys?"

"What?" Allen said from the backseat.

"You guys think I'm stupid but I'm not okay? I know somethings up." They've been acting strange ever since the store and I just didn't get it.

Nobody said anything.

I glanced at each of them individually, but keeping my eyes on the road of course. "Fine. Don't want to tell me, that's fine."

It was silent the rest of the way.


The apartment was quiet on a Sunday morning. No one was talking, no matter how much (Name) wanted to speak up and talk to them she refrained herself from doing so. Telling herself that they should be the ones to speak up first. Yet, it hurt her. They were keeping something from her and she didn't know what, which bothered her even more.

The girl walked in the general area and sat at the table. Everyone was away so she didn't have to worry about waking anyone up.

(Name) sighed loudly, figuring she would give up the silent treatment and speak up. She looked down at her lap and clutched onto her (tv show) pajama pants, an anxiety grew up in her stomach.

Have I done something wrong? She thought.


The doorbell rang off and (Name) was confused to hear it.

No one bothers her on Sundays.


Knocking followed the ring of the doorbell, so (Name) got up from her spot at the table.

She faced the others and placed her index finger to her lips, making a "shh" noise.

The girl cautiously looked out of the peep hole from the door and noticed something incredibly odd.

"Yes?" She said from the other side of the door.

"Miss (Last Name), this is the police please open up." She knew that they were cops, but something didn't feel right about them.

"What do you want?" In all of (Name)'s years she has never been disrespectful to a cop, never! But in this moment her guts were telling her that these men were not to be trusted.

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