Chapter 85: The Loyal Dragons

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"Why won't you just leave me alone!?"

The voice sounds fairly youthful, but also distorted, like many voices at once. The scenery is strange. It's familiar, but also alien. There's nothing noticeable about the air. The voice is the only apparent sound. But, the one speaking it sounds like it's coming from behind. No matter how much he looks, though, he can't find the source.

"It's nothing personal. I just need you to leave me alone. If they find me,... I-... I'm scared, alright?"

"Who are you?" he asks. He's not sure where he is or how he got here. He feels like he was just suddenly hearing the voice, though he feels like he was doing something.

"Don't worry about it. Just... leave me alone, alright?"

Something feels different. There's a weight on his chest, as well as a static tingle in the nape of his neck. It feels like someone is near him, but also pushing him away.

A suspicion hits him. "Nemaisol?"

The voice squeaks, and he quickly adds, "Nemaisol! Wait!" He feels like the presence is departing. "Are you really sentient."

"Just forget about me! I can't be discovered!"

"...iel..." A new voice seems to be reaching through the strange air. It's a very familiar voice, as opposed to the strange voice that seemed like a chorus of soft and youthful voices.

Bap bap bap!

Daniel flutters his eyes open dazed a little as the soft light of the hangar lounge fills his vision. Big triangular fox-like ears slide into view, followed by a cute face framed by black hair. "Daniel! Wake up! You're gonna miss breakfast!"

Daniel sits up, finding Hekate sitting on his lap. She smiles up at him brightly as he gathers his senses and yawns. She climbed up onto him to wake him up slowly at first, but apparently, it's getting close to breakfast time.

After he's more awake though, she pouts at him with her adorable grumpy face. "You never came back to bed, Daniel! Do you think I like being crowded by a bunch of dragons?"

He chuckles, ruffling her hair, and she growls as she tries to grapple his hand. "I didn't want to disturb you."

When he shifts, though, a moderate weight flops down onto his lap between them; the sword Nemaisol. Daniel stares at it, and Hekate takes notice. "What is it? Did it shock you?"

"No... I just... I had a dream..."

"A dream? About your sword?"

Daniel nods, still deep in thought. He checks his pockets, finding his notebook, and he takes a moment to write it down so he doesn't forget what the dream was, while Hekate patiently watches. He taught her to do the same if she wants to preserve happy dreams, and she keeps a few notebooks around the places she sleeps as well.

She leans over, blocking his view as she reads his writing. He can still write well enough without seeing, but his handwriting becomes even more uneven and sloppy than his inexperienced hand writing the Eastern Imperial Trade language.

"You think Nemaisol spoke to you?" asks Hekate curiously. She looks up, and he smiles softly.

"I think so. But, apparently, Nemaisol wants to just be left alone."

"Why did it let you use it before that, though?"

"That's what I want to ask." He holds the sword up gently, saying softly, "I don't know what's going on, but I won't give up on you. You saved my life and my loved ones more than once. I'd like us to be friends."

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