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"LAPD, we've got a warrant; we're coming.". "Kitchen clear, bedroom clear, bathroom clear, living room clear, kids bedro..." . Gunshots. "Officer down, I repeat officer down." "SSent EMT right away, emergency." "Suspect in custody". She was there, laying on the floor in her own blood. Angela had one hand on Lucy's neck where she'd been shot.

A - Stay with me, Lucy; I'm here with you.

When she saw the amount of blood she had already lost, she knew. One minute later, Lucy died in her arms, one tear running down her face. It was over. Angela's hands left Lucy's body, and she went out of the room. She faced Nyla teary-eyed. "She's gone.". They were both in a coma. Their friends just passed away, killed by someone.

N - Where are you going?
A -Tim is on his way; he doesn't know. I have to tell him—no one else.

She went out and saw him. She took a deep breath and stopped him in his tracks. He was confused.

A -Tim, wait, I need to talk to you first.
T - We'll talk later.
A - No. Tim Listen, it's important; it's Lucy. She is the officer down. She's been shot in the neck. I did everything I could, but she died.

He dropped his radio.

T - No, it's not her; she's not.
A - Tim, she's gone.

He looked at her; tears were running down his face. His whole world just exploded.

T - Let me see her.
A - I can't, and I won't let you. It's not the last picture of her you want in your memory.

He was in a state of confusion, lost between anger and sadness. Angela took him in her arms and hugged him. It was the only thing she could do now. He whispered something in her ear: "I will find the name of this bastard, and I will kill with my own hands.". She ended that hug and looked at him.

A - I won't let you do this. You can't leave her. Understand? She will need you.

During all this time, he forgot her. Lost in his mind, Sergeant Grey stood at his right. Everyone was here. They all heard the news. Lucy Chen was killed on duty. Grey put his hand on Tim's shoulder.

G - Come one, son; I'll drive you to the station. There's nothing you can do here.

Twenty minutes later, Tim was sitting in Grey's office, unable to speak. He stayed here, unable to do anything, unable to think. Lopez's words repeat in his head. She's gone.

One hour after his arrival, someone knocked on the door of the of the office. It was Angela. She wasn't alone. She sat next to Tim. A little babbling connected him back to reality. He turned his head in Angela's direction. His nine-month-old little girl was here. He took her right away and held her in his arms. Angela knew. She knew he needed it right now. He started crying against her little body. "I'm sorry, little bean, I'm sorry.". Angela left them alone but kept an eye on them from outside.

The whole gang joined her. She almost fainted in Nolan's arms. She put aside everything she'd been through earlier to be there for her friend. "She died in my arms, John; she was crying; she died.". She was in a coma. She knew he had been there with Captain Anderson. He will understand. Right now, she needed to be with Wesley. "Detective Lopez, we need your statement; follow us.". One last look at his best friend: she didn't want to talk, but she knew she didn't have the choice.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It has been one week since the funural. It was simple, as she said. Tim was unable to go to work. He stayed home. Three days ago, he asked Angela if she could take his baby for one night or two. He needed some time alone. She accepted.

He wanted to forget, to stop the pain, to breathe again. It took a glass, whiskey bottle and sat in the backyard. He started drinking. Maybe it was the solution to forget. He was pretty sure the only thing he will have will be a huge headache tomorrow morning.

His all world felt apart that night. They had a quiet morning, cuddling their baby in their bed before work. He kissed her goodbye before she went on patrol with her rookie. She became a TO before they knew she was expecting. He smiled at this memory. It was not planned at all. It was a surprise baby, like "Hello i'm here now, love me ".

Their relation wasn't perfect, but at least, it was real. Everyone knew before them. It was not a surprise when everyone discovered they were together. 5th drink. He took his phone, dialled her number.

T - She'd dead. What am i supposed to do ? I can't raise a kid by my own. She needs her mother, i need her Ang'. I've got plan with her. I was supposed to propose on her birthday. I can't breath normaly since then. Like my all word felt appart. Nothing has sence now. Everyplace here is hanted by her, by her parfum. She's not here, and she won't come back. How am is supposed to move forward? Tell me ? I'm lost. I'm a mess. I'm so angry right now.
A - I kwow Tim. Let me tell you something. You can raise you baby, you know why ? Because you love her so much, you will teach her who was her mom. We all will. You are not alone, we are here. You have the right to be angry, you are griefing the love of your life. My house is always open in case you need it. I'm not going to lie to you, it's going to be hard sometimes, maybe for months. She won't come back, but you are here with your mini boot. You will move forward. One day you will wake up, and it's going to be ok. You can't see clear right now, but i promise you will. You will always miss her. I love you Tim, i'm not going anywhere.
T - I ... Thank you Ang'.

He hung up his phone quickly. Two minutes after that, he get a text from Angela. It was a picture of his daughter " I love you daddy ". He smiled through his tears and took the way of his bedroom. He took off his clothes, went on Lucy's side, laid down his head on her pillow. He took his phone, dialled her number, straight to voicemail. " Hey it's Lucy's phone, leave a message, i will call you back later " .

T - I love you.

He hung up. He needed to hear her voice. He was scared to forget it. Tomorrow will be another day. He closed his eyes and felt asleep in a minute. Maybe he will join her in his dream.

"You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you; I'll be waiting."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hi everyone. I finaly had time to write my story tonight. But, i was thinking maybe i'm going to write more about this one. Like a " long one " story ? Few chapters. 

What do you think ? xx

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