The apartment.

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When the last box left the apartment she knew it was over, for ever. She never thought it would be this hard to close this chapter. Was it even rational ? She was the one who took the decision. She was walking across her leaving room, trying to remember every single little thing that happened here, the good and the bad. She, first, closed her bedroom's door, then checked everything from her bathroom and kitchen has been removed. And there was this room, the second bedroom, it was empty for days now. The hardest thing was not when Celina moved, or when she helped Tamara packed her things months ago, no the hardest thing was that room was once Jackson's one. Oh Jackson .. She missed him, so much. She missed everything and she will always. And today she had this strange feeling of losing him AGAIN. Beside his grave, Jackson's bedroom were the only place left where she could picture him alive. It belonged to him, it was like he never left this room. She jumped a bit when she felt two arms wrapped around her waist.

" You okay ? " He asked while his head rested on her shoulder.

" It was his room, and i've got the feeling of abandonning him... "

" Oh... "

" We used to eat "broken heart's ice cream " on his bed, we were talking hours, we had more sleepover than i had when i was kid.. He.. We... Shit i never thought it will THIS hard. "

" You're not abandonning him, you know that ? But hey, you're going to write another chapter of your life. It doesn't mean you have to close the ones before. He will always be a part of your life, no matter where you are. "

" I know. You remember that time, when Kojo destroyed EVERYTHING in this apartment, Jackson't stuff included ? "

" I might still have the picture somewhere... "

" I'm going to miss this place you know ? Not only Jackson's room ..."

" Like what ? "

" We had our first kiss here, I mean, we both know the practice kiss was the first one, our first time was here too, all the nights we spent on the couch, the movie nights with Tam, girls nights deep conversation, everytime Tam was coming when we were kissing.. Every little things from my first night here to the smell of your pancakes on sunday morning. " She made a pause. " And even if i have painfull memories too, this apartment, was... you know... "

" And we're going to create more memories in our new place babe.. "

" When we will finaly find something... "

" We will... I still don't understand why you didn't like the last one ... "

" Five bedrooms Tim ? Who needs 5 bedrooms ? "

" One for us, and the 4 left for kids "

" Oh, I see, but I'm not going to birth a whole basketball team ! " She was now facing him, her arms around his neck, kissing him. " Start with one first... " She said against his lips " because, well, you know, maybe, I could stop my birth control... and ... " She gave him a peck " and .. let the future decide. "

" So, tell me if i'm wrong, but, out of nowhere, you... " His hand was brushing her right arm " You want to give it a try ? "

" Hm hm.. You ?  "

" Five bedroom's house... Remember ? "

" Good.. "

And a decision was taken and as always they joked about it first, and made it serious in the minute.

" I think it's time to close this chapter of my life, and by extension the door of this apartment "

" When you ready. We are not in a rush. Take the time you need. "

And she did. She had a final look at her living room, at Jackson's room, at her kitchen, smiling when a memorie hit her. And she took his hand, went in the hallway, closed the door and used her keys one last time. Tears escaped from her eyes when they both left the building.

After him being his TO, their friendship, almost a year of dating, 6 months break-up, one year and a half of dating again, they were now going through a new chapter of their life : Moving together and a baby.. Today she moved from her past to her futur.

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30/08/24 : Hi :) ! Last OS of August ! I was back at work this week, it was intense. New place, new kids, new schedule (after a month on Summer break..) I didn't have any energy to write something before. I hope you will like it. It's a short one. I already have ideas for the next ones. Don't forget to vote and comment. It helps. Take care of you. Xx

Oh, i didn't have time to correct it, hope it will be ok :)

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