The Elevator. 6x10

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Disclaimer : ⚠️ SPOILERS. I'm kind of haunted by the elevator scene in the last episode. That scene was perfect (for me), but, what if something else happened? Once again, i want to try an alternative end. Hope you will like it !

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It was the end of a rough shift. Tim was waiting in front of the elevator when Lucy came out next to him. They smiled at each other. As the gentleman he was, he let her enter the elevator first. She was behind him. He thanked her for saving his life once again. And then something hit him. He turned around.

T - Listen... I know I ruined everything. I know how easy it would have been for you to turn on me.
L - You don't have to do this.
T - Yeah, I do. You will never know how much I appreciate the kindness you've shown me. And I will spend the rest of my life trying to pay it back. In whatever small doses you allow.

Face-to-face, he gave her a warm smile.

T - Goodnight.

She heard everything. It was unexpected for him to share his feelings. It sounded like an apology. Yes, he ruined everything that night, but today, she risked her life because her heart asked her. She was still deeply in love with him, despite all the pain he gave her. The elevator's doors opened; he got out first, and she followed him. Her brain wasn't in charge anymore; her heart was. Maybe she will regret it, but she had to say something.

L - Tim, wait.

He stopped in front of his truck, surprised to hear her voice. She joined him. They looked at each other in silence. They were in a bubble, and neither of them wanted it to pop. Their looks spoke for them—no words, just looks. She came closer to him; she wasn't thinking anymore. She hugged him again and put her head deep in his neck. She needed it so bad. She won't admit it. Surprised at first, he put his arm around her.

T - I ruined everything. Luce
L - Shut up, idiot.

He smiled and closed his eyes. That hug and her hugs meant everything. It was his safe place. Nothing bad could happen during them. She ended their hug and faced him once again.

L - Drive you home.
T - I'm ok
L - No, you've got one arm left; it's not safe. End of discussion; come on.

He accepted; he knew he wouldn't win that battle. The ride was silent. Twenty minutes later, she parked her car in his alley. She will never understand why, but she escorted him to his door.

T - Thank you.
L - Goodnight Tim
T - Goodnight Lucy

She smiled and took the direction of her car.

T - I'm still in love with you.

She stopped, turned around, and faced him again. He was standing there with teary- eyes. It broke her heart to see him so vulnerable.

L - Tim I...
T - No, I know I ruined everything; I used the worst reason ever; I broke up with you for the worst reason, believe it or not, but I regret it so deeply. I didn't give you the chance to talk; I decided you deserved better, but who am I to decide this for you? Yes, I'm a total mess; I have to deal with a lot, but what if, that night, I thought differently? And after all I put you through, today you jumped into a truck to save me.

She was speechless. He showed his weak side. He was more vulnerable than she thought, but she had to answer. It was the moment. They finally had this painful talk.

L - You are right, Tim, and don't get me wrong, I'm still mad at you. You decided I deserved better after all I did for you. I put my career in jeopardy just because it was you. It was you, and nothing mattered at the moment. Don't you think I deserved to choose what was best for me? You decided for me and walked away. You gave me no chance to talk. You broke me into pieces. You remember when you asked me out the first time and told me it was worth the risk? I was afraid to lose you, and in one blink, it happened. I wanted to be here for you; I wanted to help you; I want to help you; I want to be with you; I want you; and I still love you for God's sake.

She dropped the bomb. She didn't plan to drop it. She was the one who was vulnerable right now. They were still face-to-face.

T - Luce, I'm sorry.
L - Kiss me.

Surprised at first, he didn't hesitate. He came closer, put his hand on her lower back, and gave her a shy kiss, a second one, and then a more passionate one. He felt the same way as the day they had their real first kiss. She put her hands on his face and deepened the kiss. They finally ended it and looked at each other. They sat down on the porch, her back against his chest. They knew the discussion wasn't over.

L - Tim, you can't decide what's good for me or not. I have to decide for myself. You are worth the effort; you are worth everything. It doesn't matter if sometimes it's complicated or if sometimes we have to fight a bit to discuss it. Everything just can't be flowers and butterflies. I want to be there for you and help you. You need help for sure, and I know you are trying. You took my advice, you started therapy, and you tried. I want to be a part of that. We can do this.
T - After all of this, you still want me?
L - Of course, idiot. I just asked you to kiss me.
T - I'm really sorry. Really. How do we do this?
L - Ask me out, and then hold my hand, kiss me, and be you. But no more secrets and lies. If you need time to talk, just tell me.
T - Can we keep it for ourselves just a bit?
L - Hm, hm, sure.
T - You're cold; you want to come inside?

She nodded. They went inside. He made two coffees. She joined him and hugged him. That night, Tim confessed a lot about his past, his father, and the military. He explained to her what happened with Rey. And she listened. Something changed. She fell asleep against him in the bed in the early morning; luckily, they were both off that day.

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28/05/2024 : Hope you enjoyed it ! Vote and comment it helps!

Just : thank you to all of you. I'm having hard time (at work, and in my personnal life) since one month, and write stories help me a bit to focus on something else. And knowing people read and appreciate means a lot to me (more when english is not your mother tongue). So THANK YOU so much for being a part of this  guys :)

Take care of you xx

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