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Angela had kicked Wesley out for the night. Lucy and Nyla were supposed to come over for drinks, but Nyla had to cancel because Leah was sick. The bottle that Lucy and Angela picked out was already empty. It had been a while since they'd spent time together, and maybe this was the perfect chance for Lucy to talk about Tim, Angela's best friend. She needed advice.

Tim broke up with her six months ago. They were both lost and hurt. His reasons were initially beyond her understanding, and for that, she was mad at him—still in love, but mad. It took her a few weeks to realize, to understand. Then, she hated him less. He had promised her small steps, and he took them. He went to therapy. He knew he had wronged her, but at that moment, breaking up seemed like the best way to protect her from him. Tim wasn't fond of himself; in fact, he felt the opposite. Therapy helped him muster the courage to talk to her and tell her everything. He was honest: he was, and always would be, in love with her, but he was terrified of ruining everything because of his past and his demons. He had made the decision for both of them, and it was wrong. That conversation was all Lucy needed—an adult discussion. She had been working on her own mental health as well, knowing Tim deserved the same.

"I don't know what to do with him..." Lucy said.

"With who? Tim?" Angela replied.


"I'm listening."

"We went on a date a month ago. It was nice, really nice. Before that, we had a lot of conversations about everything—what we wanted, what we needed. We're on the same page. But..."


"But we've spent a lot of nights at each other's places, cuddling, making out like teenagers, but nothing more. Tim seems... embarrassed by something."


"Yeah. Our make-out sessions lead to touching—he's very touchy-feely—but when things start to escalate, he stops. He's going to kill me for this, but he's clearly not indifferent to it. I can feel it, I can see it... So what's wrong?"

"Maybe he's afraid to cross that line again?"

"Maybe. I don't know. His body reacts, but his mind... I miss him. In that way too. I miss what we had. I know he feels the same, he's almost said it in texts."

"Tell him that. Be honest with him. I'm sure it's just a little something. I bet he doesn't want to cross the line just yet. Wait a minute, I have an idea."

Angela left the room and came back a moment later, holding a Polaroid camera.

"I saw something on Clip-Tok, and well, maybe this could help."

"With a Polaroid?"

"Hm-hm. During weddings, the maid of honor gives the groom some 'hot' Polaroids of his bride. Maybe you could try this with Tim. I'd be more than happy to help."

"I'm sure you would, Angela. But I don't know if Tim will like it."

"Why not? Give your man a hot, naked Polaroid of you. Do you really think he'll hate it?"

"I don't know... I just want him back, completely."

"Try it! You've got nothing to lose. Either he loves it and you both have an amazing sex night, or he doesn't, and you have a conversation."

"Hot and naked?"

"You need help?"

"No, thanks. We're both women, but if I do this, only Tim will ever see it."

Back at her apartment, Lucy wondered if she was really going to go through with it. After all, Angela was right—what did she have to lose? Maybe just her pride? And so, she did it. She took a few shots—some on her bed, some in lingerie, and one after her shower. She felt beautiful. Now, she just needed to pick the right one. She chose and wrote a little something at the bottom.

The next morning, after Grey finished his speech, Lucy approached Tim and started a casual conversation. As she was about to leave, she opened his hand and slipped him the Polaroid.

"Take a look when you can, but only your eyes on this, okay?"

She smiled and walked away. From a distance, she watched as Tim glanced around to make sure no one was looking, opened his hand, flipped the Polaroid, and then quickly hid it in his palm. He closed his eyes, bit his lower lip, and when he opened his eyes again, he searched for Lucy, a little smile playing on his face. After enjoying his reaction for a moment, Lucy left the room. A few seconds later, her phone buzzed.

From Tim to Lucy, 08:45 AM: "You're going to be the death of me, Luce."

From Lucy to Tim, 08:46 AM: "Did you like it?"

From Tim to Lucy, 08:47 AM: "Hm. Yes. Since you still have a roommate, mine tonight? We may not make it to the bed."

From Lucy to Tim, 08:50 AM: "Good. I have more photos, you know..."

From Tim to Lucy, 08:51 AM: "Lucy, please. Tonight. Be safe."

From Lucy to Tim, 08:52 AM: "Tonight. You too. I love you."

And he was right—they didn't make it to the bed that night.

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09/10/24. Hello guys, a little something from a video i saw on Tiktok and a talk i had with some French Rookie Fans yesterday. I hope you will like it. Take care. Vote and comment please :)

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