The house was calm. Their little hurricane was finally asleep. Lucy was washing the dishes when Tim put his arms around her waist.
" She wants to be an dinosaur for Halloween.. "
" Thank god. Last week she wanted to be a flying worm.. "
" A flying worm ? Really ? "
" So a dinosaur, way easier... "
" Her real first trick or treat.. "
" She's growing up too fast.. "
" Hm. Oh, and she wants a brother for Christmas. "
" Hm hm, a brother for Christmas ? "
" Yeah but the timing is... quite short. "
" Oh you think ? " She smiled before she turned and faced him. " Tim ? "
" What ? "" She's not the only who wants a little human for Christmas hm ? "
" Well, She's four, she's quite independent for her age, terrible two is behind us.. I think timing is right. And, yes I would love to have another one, maybe two. So if it's something you want .. Tell me you don't want another carbon copy of you waking us up in the middle of the night... "
" That time, i want a carbon copy of YOU. "
" We don't chose genetic babe, but if we fail, we can try again, and again and again until you have what you want.. "
" Since when you planed to have a basket ball team at home ? "
" Think about halloween family costume. A whole basket ball team... Better than a flying worm "
" Don't you dare making fun of your daughter, you idiot. "
And he kissed her. They finished to clean up the kitchen, closed the house, had a look on their little hurricane and went to their bedroom. After their fun and chaotic discussion about a baby brother for Christmas, after Tim begun to undress her the minute after she closed the bedroom's door. After they reached their climax more than once, they were cuddling, naked under the sheets, enjoying the aftermath of it.
" Tim ? "
" Hm ? "
" I'm a bit curious about something... "
" Spit it out... "
" Well.. Years ago, for halloween, at work, you said " If you get dispatched to a loud party, make sure they know you're not the stripper " Maybe it's time to share. what happened... "
" You can't remember if you gave kojo his meal, but you remember that ? Really ? "
" Please... "
" My uniform got torn... that's all "
" It got torn... by itself ? "
" You won't gave me peace until i tell you everything right ? "
" Totally "
" You and your stubbornness .. Ok, fine. But don't you dare use it against me .. "
" I'm waiting... "
" We had a normal night, as normal as it could be for an October 31st. We get dispatched for different things : alcohol abuse and selling, , fights, burglaries, real or fake gun those kind of things. Later we get dispatched to a loud party. After we parked, We knocked on the door with the traditional 'LA PD, open the door.' I knocked harder, and someone opened. And... a woman, completely drunk, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the living room, surrounded by other completely drunk women. And, everything happened very quickly. Before I could realize what was about to happen, a woman, who was apparently celebrating her birthday, literally threw herself at me and ripped the buttons off my shirt while dancing. I gently pushed her away the first time, reminding her that I was a police officer, and she replied, 'I know, I paid for this.' She came back, wrapped her hands around my neck, and started dancing again. And that's when I understood. I pushed her away once more, handcuffed her, and turned off the music.... And of course, the camera recorded everything, and Grey took great pleasure in sharing the video the next morning. "
" I wish i was there... Do you think they still have the footage ? "
" I hope no. And don't you dare ask Grey ... "
" Not my intention, but now you mentionned it... "
" Babe... "
" Ok ok, fine. But, who were you riding with ? "
" My rookie. "
" It was godsend for him. His grumpy and harsh TO had his uniform torn because women thought he was the stripper. GOLDEN. I missed that... "
" Happy ? "
" Oh yes. "
" Great.... "
" You know if you have no idea for your halloween costume... Maybe... "
" Luce... "
" I mean, not out there, but, when our little dinosaur will be sleeping... just between you and me. And if you really want another baby soon, we have to practice. Maybe we can add some fun... "
" And that fun will be me as a stripper ? No. Thanks but no. "
" OR we can find the cheapest police uniform, and i can torn it... What about that ? "
" You are unbelievable.. "
" And you love me ... "
" Yes. I love you. "
And on Halloween night, after they did trick or treat with their daughter, they actually conceived the baby brother their daughter hopped for christmas. She just had to wait a little bit longer..
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
05/10/2024. Hello Guys. I just rewatched the Halloween episode and was talking about it with french rookie fans (eh coucou vous), and i wanted to write a little something about it. I hope yoy liked it. Take care of you; please vote and comment, it helps :)