Nine Months. Part 1

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Two lines. These two lines have changed everything. One word has changed everything. They have tried to have a baby for a year and a half. The first positive was the most painful one. She had a miscarriage. She, of course, blamed herself for that. It wasn't her fault; it wasn't anybody's fault, actually. She was scared to try again. What if it's happening again? What if she was unable to keep it again? There were a lot of negatives until that morning, ten minutes before leaving for work. She was sitting on the floor, crying. He was at the door, ready to hug her and say, Next time, babe. But that time, it was happy tears. She looked at him and said, "Tim, it's positive". He hugged her; he was happy but careful. Because, even for him, that journey, that miscarriage, and all the negative ones were hard. They took a moment in silence before coming back to the earth and leaving for work.

She was scared as hell. She knew she wouldn't be strong enough if she lost it again. And at the same time, she was happy, because maybe at that time it will be okay. He was feeling the same as her. He couldn't stop thinking about her. It was hard for them to say nothing to their friends, even if she needed support from the mom's team. During lunch, she took an appointment on the OB floor at the hospital. Now she had to wait one more week.

It was a long day. She was exhausted. Her head was full of questions, doubts, and memories. Tim came home after her with takeout. It was exactly what she needed.

L -  You are perfect.
T - I was hungry and had no motivation to cook something.

She smiled. After dinner, they took a shower together to celebrate that news. Yes, shower was one of their love languages. They fell asleep as soon as they were in bed, cuddling.

One week later.

They were sitting in the waiting room. That same room where they were for the first one. He was holding her hands. Someone called them and asked them to wait for the doctor. Lucy took place on the gynecological chair and waited. Tim was next to her.

T - Breathe, babe. Breathe.

He was right. She needed to breathe, even if she was scared. The OB came and started to ask some questions before the ultrasound. She finally pressed a button, and sound came out.

OB - Here you can see a perfect 7-week-old baby with a strong heartbeat. Congratulations. I will come back in a minute. Take a moment with your baby.

After the OB left, Lucy was touching her belly for the first time since she knew. She was a bit less scared.

L -  Strong heartbeat, she said.
T - Yes, and a perfect 7-week-old baby.

They went home with pictures of the baby—the ones you put on the fridge. They had a discussion about that pregnancy. She cried a lot. Happy tears and painful ones. He asked her permission to touch her belly. He didn't want to be intrusive. He took her in his arms and whispered in her right ear, I love you.


She is in her third month now. Further than the last pregnancy. She won a battle—not the war—but it was enough to calm her stress for now. She had a little belly; she could hide it for the moment, but they decided to announce their pregnancy to their friends.

Tim was the first to find a moment to tell the news to someone. Even if he will never say it, Angela is his best friend. She was there since he knew her, with full support. It was important for him to give her the news. She was there the first time, when he punched the wall after Lucy was in the hospital for that miscarriage. She knew and understood. She was at her desk alone. He took a seat next to her and said nothing.

A - What do you want, Blondie?
T - Stop calling me Blondie...
A -So, Sergeant Bradford, what do you want?
T -Tell me, when is the right moment to propose? Before or after the baby's birth?

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