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Tim was relieved when Lucy joined him in the waiting room. He was the one who suggested doing couple therapy: "Maybe it will help us figure things out; we need a safe place.". Lucy was surprised. Tim Bradford, the anti-therapy guy, wanted to fix things with a therapist. She had to warn him: It's make or break. But she came because he was worth the effort, because two months after he broke up with her, she was still into him. She gave him a little smile and sat next to him in silence.

T: You came.

He quickly looked at her. He was not sure she would come. She nodded with a smile. It was a giant step for him: sharing his feelings with her with the help of an unknown person. His breathing was quite fast; he couldn't stop wipping his hands against his legs, and his right foot couldn't stop moving. Tim Bradford was anxious. She put her hand on his right knee to calm him down. And it worked.

As they heard their name, they stood up and came into the therapist's office. The man showed them the couch, and they all sat at the same time.

Th: Tim, Lucy, welcome. I'll be your therapist as long as you need it and want it. Before starting, I've got some rules: You are free to talk about everything; try not to interrupt the other one when he's in the middle of something. I'm not here to judge, and I won't give you the answers. I'm here to help you find them. So, who wants to start? Why are you here?
T: Well, I broke up with her, ruined everything, and instantly regretted it. I'm seeing a therapist because I need to fix things, but I also want to fix things between me and her. She deserves it. She needs answers. I need help to express them. I thought therapy together might help...
Th: Understood. Lucy, what about you?
L: I came because he asked me, He was allergic to therapy. I know it's a big step for him. I owe him that. And, yes, I need answers, and I may have things to say. Things he didn't let me share when he broke up. To be honest, it drives me crazy to keep it for myself.
Th: Maybe we can start with you, Lucy, if Tim is okay?
T: Sure..
Th: Remember, you will both share things today; it's the first step, and it won't heal anything. It will maybe open news doors. One session doesn't solve everything. Lucy, please.
L: I need to know why. Why did he leave?
Th: Lucy, talk to him. Not me.
L: Why did you leave Tim? Why did you decide it wasn't worth the risk anymore? I got it; you were overwhelmed that night after everything, but why me? Why ? What did I do wrong? Why didn't you let me talk? Sorry, but your reasons were so impersonal. You made the decision without me. You left me in the dark; you blew my heart into pieces. In one blink, everything was over. One blink, Tim.
T: I messed up everything. I was in autopilot mode. Believe it or not, it was not planned, and kissing you on your forehead before leaving was heartbreaking. I hated myself so much, and I still do.
Th: You said it was not planned; what made you change your mind?
T: She was waiting for me outside. I messed up things at work. Don't ask me what I'm not allowed to share. It opened a door I closed a long time ago. Lucy, you did nothing wrong.
Th: Why did her being outside make you change your mind?
T: Because she was there, worried. She seemed to have lost her sparkle in that fight. It was unfair to let her sink into it with me.
L: I lost it when you broke up with me Tim, not because I was worried. I was exhausted; I didn't sleep that much while you were keeping me in the dark for days.
Th: Lucy said your reasons were impersonal.
T: Were they?
L: Yes. Tim, you told me I was incredible. You told me things changed, and you will never be able to be the same as before, maybe ever. It sounds impersonal to me.
T: When the doors were open, all my traumas, insecurities, doubts, and faults from my dad, the army, and Isabel came crushing into my face like a tsunami. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't realize I might hurt you? Unintentionally. It wasn't worth the effort, Lucy. Clearly not. You deserve someone better than me. Even if I love you, I thought it was better. I'm not enough...
L: Better for who? Hm ? You owed me an adult conversation, which we're having now, I guess. You decided you weren't worth the effort. You decided you were not enough. But maybe, Tim, I wanted to be here? Maybe I wanted to help you and support you. You didn't ask. You didn't let me talk. I risked everything because it's you. You were there in my darkest time, remember? You brought me back to life, Tim; it's not nothing. Believe it or not, even if I'm still mad at you right now, I want to help you. I want to be there with you. You are convinced you will ruin everything every time; what if it is not true? Stop sabotaging yourself. Please. You are worth the effort... always.
Th: Tim, you said, "Even if I love you..." Do you love her?
T: Of course, it was not the reason I broke up. I'm sorry, Lucy. Again. I should have let you speak that night. It was difficult, you know? It was like, "Break up with her; she will be better without you, and go home with her; she's the only good thing you have in your life."
L: Was I?
T: You still are.

She was surprised by his words. It was now more difficult to hold back her tears.

Th: Well, for the first session, you said a lot. The time is over. Short session for today. Little homework for our next appointment. Bring three things that make you think about the other one. And we will talk about your choices to start our next session. I like to have a session where you share things, like today, with open space to discuss, and I like to have a session where you learn to find each other again. It's important to realize you're not here to settle a score, but to work on you as a couple or whatever it'll come. But don't hesitate if you need to speak next time; we can have a little time to do it. See you next week, same day. Have a nice day.

They joined the parking lot together in silence. They shared a lot of things. It was hard for the both of them. Being so vulnerable. He escorted her to her car.

T: Thank you...
L: For?
T: doing this with me.
L: I told you you were worth the effort, Tim.

He watched her leave the parking spot. With that therapy, he was sure he had made the right choice. It was one of the small doses he promessed her in the elevator.

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07/07/2024 : Hello Guys. I KNOW, i said the next one will be about the famous Green dress, but, therapy idea came into my mind first. I hope you will like it ! Vote and comment, it helps.

And again, thank you SO MUCH for every reading, vote and comment. More than 20K views now, it's awesome.

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