Lucy would know.

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Tim was suprised to find Tamara sat in front of his house in the early morning. He was on night shift this week.

" Tamara ? "

She didn't answer, she just looked at him. She had those puffy eyes you had after you cried. He joined her, and sat on her right, in silence. She take out something from her pocket and gave it to him. Tim was holding a pregnancy test. A positive one. Tamara was...pregnant.

" I'm screwed.. "

" Are you ok ? "

" No, i'm not. I hooked up with the wrong guy. He left the minute he knew. Such a cliché. I'm so damn stupid. I can't have a baby, i'm still one. Birth control my ass. "

" You're not stupid, that guy on the other hand... "

" I need her. Can you call her ? "

" You know i can't... "

" Help me ... "

" I'm not going anywhere kiddo. Come here. "

For the first time since he knew her, Tim held Tamara in his arms. Lucy was on a big UC op, her last one. She decided it will be the last. She didn't enjoyed it as much as she thought, mostly for moment like this. Being away from her loved ones, wasn't for her. She loved her work, but, she could enjoy it in Los Angeles, next to them.

" I can't call Lucy, but, i can call Angela or Nyla ? "

" No, you're enough. "

" Ok, How can i help you ? What do you need ? "

" Answers ? "

" Which ones ? "

" What am i supposed to do ? Hm ? "

" You can have this baby and become a mum, you can put this baby to adoption or ..

" Or i can have an abortion... "

" Yes. But, listen, your body your choice. And no matter what you decide, i'm not going anywhere, same for Lucy. "

" I ... don't ... know Tim. I don't know. Lucy would know ... "

" And, she will say the same thing as me.. Your body your choice. You are mature enough to make a choice. You don't have to decide now. But, you will take the good decision. Now, you are coming inside with me, drink something, sleep because i know you didn't "

After a warm tea, Tim settled the couch for her. 

" If you need me, you know where to find me. "

" Thank you.. "

Tamara stayed with Tim all the week. They didn't talk about her situation. He didn't want to be intrusive and she was trying to process everything. Monday evening, Tim was cleaning the kitchen when Tamara joined him.

" I took my decision "

" Tell me "

" I'm too young to raise a kid, and i know i won't be able to let him grow in my belly for someone else. As hard the decision is, abortion is the safer option. I already took an appointement .. Will you come with me ?  "

" Of course.. "

Three days later, he went with her to the clinic. Her abortion was planned two days later. Saturday morning, 9:00 a.m, they were parked in front of the clinic.

" Listen to me, until the last moment, if you want to change your decision, you can. "

" I know. But i'm sure. Motherhood will wait. "

" Come on kiddo. "

One hour later it was over. Tamara was in a room, in foetal position. Everything was over. He was in the waiting room when the nurse called him. Tamara was discharged. He helped her to collect her things and they went home in silence. Twenty minutes later, she was laying in Tims bed : exhauted, hurt, empty. 

" It's over. It never existed. "

" Tam it's not because you ended it, that it never existed. You have the right to be sad, to cry, to think about it. It's ok. If you want to talk, if you need something, you know i'm here. You took the hardest decision in a life, but you took the right one, for you. Take some rest.. Ice cream is waiting for you when you're ready. "

He kissed her forehead and left her. He loved that girl. She was Lucys puppy, but she was his too. He closed the door and went back to the kitchen.

" Luce ? "

" Finally home. I missed you  "

Five seconds later, she was hugging him, and he was kissing her. 

" Tamara is here ? Her shoes are here " She asked still in his arms.

" Yeah... About Tamara, we need to talk love. " And he explained her everything. From the announcement to the abortion.

" I hope i did good with her. "

" I'm sure you did. As much i want to spend time with you now... I need to be with her... "

" Go. She needs you "

" Thank you... Thank you for ... being there  for her. I love you  "

She kissed him, and joined Tamara. Lucy laid behind her, and took her in her arms. Tamara cried, a lot, until she fell asleep against her. The talk will wait until tomorrow. Lucy was home for good now, she wasn't going anywhere. When she was sure Tamara was sleeping, she went back to Tim. She sat next to him in the couch, and while he was brushing her skin, she thanked him once again for everything he did for Tamara. She missed him. A lot.

" You'll be the saddest part of me a part of me that will never be mine. It's obvious, tonight is gonna be the loneliest " ♫

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13/08/2024 : Hello Guys ! Thanks to rookiefanabc for the idea. Hope you liked it ! It's a short one, not a really Chenford, but... If you have idea, please share :)! Don't forget to vote and comment! It helps a lot. Take care of you. I'm off until sunday night ! See you on monday, or maybe on sunday evening ! xx

♫ The loneliest - Maneskin .

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