Shoot me first.

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She was sitting outside, on the grass. Behind her, it was chaotic. Her hands were covered with blood; it was not hers. Lucy was silent. Her brain cut her off from everything and everyone. Something was gone.

On the other side of the street, Tim was here, always keeping an eye on her. He was not allowed to talk to her or be with her for now. Rules. His brain was focused on her, unable to do better.

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They had a call: shooting in a middle school. All LAPD were dispatched on that call. Students were running and screaming everywhere. When Lucy came into the school, it was chaotic: bullets, blood, and bodies. She looked at Tim for a second. Young kids were severely injured, or worse, dead. They had to find the shooter; maybe he was not alone. She took a deep breath. She knew Tim had her six. She tried to hold back her tears, saying she would let them go later. The school was now silent until they heard gunshots and screams again. Metro, SWAT, LAPD—everyone was here. After thirty minutes of research, they were now behind the cafeteria's doors, and Lucy finally saw him. A young boy, one gun in each hand, and two bodies next to him. A young girl was crying and begging. She looked at Tim, who was giving the information on the radio.

L - We can't wait until SWAT is here. He will probably kill her and the other ones. I should try...
T - No, you won't go in there.
L - Why? Because he has a gun? Tim, he's just a teenage boy.
T - With a gun, Lucy, I...
L - I was trained for this, like you. Let me go. I know you have my back.
T - Fine, and if you have any other choice, you shoot, even if it's a kid.
L - You ready?
T - Yes, be safe... And Lucy?
L - I know, me too.

The second after, she was in. The young boy faced Lucy when he heard the door, with the gun pointed in her direction.

K - Who the fuck are you?
L - Calm down. I'm Lucy. I'm here to help.
K - Too late for that.
L -  It's never too late; you can stop right now.
K - I have to finish what I started.
L - Why?

As she asked him, she tried to come closer to him slowly. He was looking at her. He didn't want to answer that stupid question.

K - One more step, and I shoot you.
L - Cops are everywhere; if you shoot me, they shoot back.

He came closer. She could see anger in his eyes. This boy was broken and determined to finish what he started. "SO SHOOT ME FIRST!" he yelled before he moved his finger to pull the trigger. Lucy was faster than him. She shot first, as he asked. He dropped his gun and fell to the floor, a bullet right in his heart. She ran in his direction, sent his gun away, and tried to save him. But it was too late. She took one step back and sat. Police officers helped the other kids get out of here, and paramedics tried to help the injured ones.

Tim kneeled down next to Lucy, a hand on her shoulder.

L - He's dead, i....
T -  You did what you had to do, Lucy. It was him or you. You saved your life, and not only yours.

She looked at him with teary- eyes. She knew he was right. But how hard was it to pull the trigger that time? She gave Tim her gun and her badge; it was the next step. Something changed in her look.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sergent Grey tried to talk to her. Everyone tried. She was still silent and sat down in front of the school. They allowed Tim to try, but even with him, she stayed silent. She was in shock. Today was too much for her. Paramedics took her to Shaw Memorial. She stayed three hours in silence in that room. She allowed herself to cry. Tim was here. He never saw her like that: lost, fragile, and hurt. She finally fell asleep after the nurses gave her something.

When she opened her eyes, Tim wasn't there anymore; Grey was. His look was concerned. He was still in his patrol outfit. She scanned the room and the outside. Tim was outside, talking to internal affairs, and an officer was in front of her door. She looked right at Grey.

G - You did what you were trained for, Officer Chen.
L - I killed a kid. He was just a kid.
G - Who was determined to kill you... We watched the footage. You did nothing wrong. I know it's hard for you now, but IA needs to talk to you. Simple formality. And when it's over, you will be discharged, and you will be able to go home and have days off. Is that okay for you?

She nodded. Grey was right. It was a simple formality. They needed her version to close the case. She did right. Camera footage and witnesses helped. But in the depths of herself, she felt guilty. A 15-year-old died today because of her. That day, he killed 20 students.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tim came back to her, climbed into her bed, and hugged her. She was still lost somewhere; she only knew the destination. She finally put her arm around him and laid her head on his chest. He was her safe place. She felt safe and secure. She needed that, in silence.

L - It's not the world I want for my kid, Tim. Guns. School shooting...
T - I know Luce. One day, maybe...
L - No, Tim, you don't get it. "One day maybe" is not enough. Not anymore. Do you think everything could change in 8 months?

Tim looked at her, surprised and confused.

L - I was supposed to tell you later, not here, not after today... It was supposed to be, you know, joyful, but now it's just a sentence coming from one of the scariest and most painful days of my life.
T - You are...
L - Yes, I am.
T - Luce, We can't change the world, but we have the power to protect it. I know it's scary. Today was one of the scariest for me too. And, here, inside of you, maybe it's the answer to all of that.

He put his hand on her belly and kissed her. "I love you" he said against her lips. She smiled and cried. She was scared to raise a kid in this world. What she saw today was beyond understandable. Today, a teenage boy killed kids in his middle school, maybe because no one was there for him, maybe because he was bullied, maybe... She will never forget the anger and the pain she saw through his eyes. It may haunt her forever. But for now, she was in his arms, secure, and loved.

"With shortness of breath, i'll explain the infinite, how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist."

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06/06/2024 : Hi guys! Hope you liked it. The last sentence came from the song " Saturn from Sleeping at last ". That idea came because since two weeks i rewatched OTH, and yesterday was the one with the shooting. I'm surprised they didn't had one in the rookie. Anyway, comment and vote, it helps ! Thank you so much xx, see you maybe this week-end.

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