The inside light of the fridge was lighting her face. Her hand was holding the door, and she was looking for something. A noise woke him up. He took his phone; it was the middle of the night. He tried to reach her, but the place next to him was empty. He got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. He found her, still in front of the fridge. He put his hand on her shoulder, and she jumped. She faced him, crying.
T - Babe, what's wrong?
L - Cherry tomatoes... We don't have cherry tomatoes left.
T - Are you really crying for this?
L - Fucking hormones.He took her in his arms with a smile stuck on his face.
L - It's not funny, Tim.
T - Maybe a little.
L - Could you maybe...
T - You kidding, right?
L - I'm dead serious.
T - It's 3 am...
L - I know
T - Cherry tomatoes, really? Not even ice cream or pizza.
L - Cherry tomatoes. Please..And at 3 a.m., he was running to 7Eleven for cherry tomatoes. Last week it was bell pepper; what will be the next one? Thirty minutes later, he was back, and found her asleep on the couch, like last week. Her hormones drive him crazy sometimes.
Lucy was nearly five months pregnant. After a week of sickness, she fainted in the bathroom. She thought it was a nasty stomach bug, but the blood test didn't lie. She was two months pregnant. She was surprised when the doctor told her, because during the past two months she had her period and showed no signs of pregnancy. Her body just hid it for a bit. Tim was actually in shock, silent, and sat down on a chair next to her. He needed to process the information; they both had to.
When they came home, they sat on the couch, looked at each other, and he started to talk. They had a long discussion. They had been together for a year and a few months, but they didn't have a serious discussion about kids; it was too soon. Not anymore. That baby was here. After the shock, they smiled. Both of them were happy. They were so in love with each other that it was obvious that this would be their next step.
He looked at her and brushed her cheek. She opened her eyes.
T - I'm back with your cherry tomatoes.
L - THANK YOU.She took the paper bag with her to their bedroom. He followed her. He gazed at her. She was standing next to their bed, and from the side he could see a tiny bump. He was in love with that view.
L - Why are you smiling like that?
T - You
L - Me? With my cherry tomato bag?
T - No, you with your tiny baby bump.He came closer and put his arms around her belly and his head around her neck.
T - The best decision we made.
L - Even if I'm asking you to buy me cherry tomatoes at 3 a.m.?
T - Hm hm.
L - Love you.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lucy was in the locker room and sat on the bench when Angela and Nyla came in.
L - I sent him to 7Eleven at 3 a.m. for cherry tomatoes. I'm the worst.
A - Pregnancy cravings are the worst for them. I begged Wes for mayonnaise one day.
L -Cherry tomatoes are not funny; mayonnaise is. I was literally crying in front of the fridge because of them.
N - One day, I cried because I couldn't find the spoon I took for breakfast. Guess where the spoon was? In my hand. Hormones...
A - Once, I cried because the red light was too long for me. I will never forget Wesley's face.They laughed together, and they joined everyone in a roll call. No files from the night shift. After the traditional "Be safe out there," Tim came to Lucy.
T - We are riding together today.
L - You asked for?
T - Maybe. Meet you at the shop; I'm getting war bags.She won't argue about that. She was still capable of getting war bags, but she knew it was his way to take care of her. About two hours after they started riding, she asked him to park the car.
L - She's moving. Give me your hand.
She took his hand, went underneath her uniform, and put it on her belly. Another kick.
L - You felt it? Tell me you did.
T - Yes. This time, yes.He was smiling like a happy idiot. They stayed in their bubble before the dispatcher popped it. He felt his daughter moving, and it's worth every ride to 7Eleven at 3 a.m..
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
02/06/2024 : Hello guys! A short and happy OS for today. Hope you liked it ! Vote and comment, it helps a lot :) ! Got a question for you, where do you come from?Take care xx